Pulse Blogger: Worry: Man's toughest opponent

Cast all your burdens on Him, for He cares for you.

"During my career in the ring, I found that Old Man Worry was an almost tougher opponent than the heavyweight boxers I fought.” — JackDempsey

Many years ago, a penniless philosopher was wondering through a stony country where the people had a hard time making a living.

Sermon on a hill.

One day a crowd gathered about him on a hill, and he gave what is probably the most quoted speech ever delivered anywhere any time. The speech contains twenty-five words that have gone ringing down across centuries, ‘’take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof’’

Man's Folly.

Many have rejected these words of Jesus ‘’ take no thought for the morrow’’. They have rejected those words as a counsel of perfection, as a bit of mysticism. ‘’ I must take thought for the morrow’’ they say. ‘’ I must take out insurance to protect my family and properties’’ ‘’I must lay aside money for my old age. I must plan and prepare to get ahead.’’ Right! Of course you must, but we must not be quick to forget that ‘’ by worrying who among us can add a single hour to his life’’


Worry has sent more men to early graves, incapacitated many and rendered many worthless and useless than any single disease or sickness in human history. Worry and anxiety has been with man right from the beginning of the world. It is a menace that man needs to fight, lest we all get destroyed by it.

Read Also: 7 Bible verses to help you fight against worries

What then is worry?

Worry can be said to be a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual, perpetual or imaginary problem. It is allowing one’s mind to dwell on difficulties and troubles. Worrying is carrying tomorrow's loads with today’s strength, carrying two days load at once.  It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. It does not empty tomorrow of it sorrow, it empties today of its strength. It is a symptom of deeper rooted fear people experience when they have to tread into the unknown.

Uncertainty about the future, the bleak past of a person, weakness and the inability to face natural occurrences are among the reasons for worry. Difficulties that go with the accomplishment of some goals, too much desire for material things, bad thought of others and empty delusion and the fear and fright of death are also among the causes of worry.

Effects of Worry.

It is no gain saying that worry affects people negatively, the fact that it eats people physically, makes them unproductive, leads to energy leak, magnifies problems and affects people relationships with others cannot be over emphasised. Worry is a magnifying lens for problems, it makes problems bigger than they really are.


Break the habit.

Some practical steps to breaking this bad habit include but not limited to the following (i) Never worry alone,

(ii) Get the facts right, find out if your worry has a base,

(iii) Take action, don’t waste your time and energy on worrying,

(iv) Live for the moment, don’t get excessively bothered about the future or past,

(v) Be positive,

(vi) Remain busy,

(vii) Learn to let go, accept the inevitable

(viii) Count your blessings,

(ix) Live simply, care deeply, speak kindly, fill your life with love.

(x)Leave the rest for God. ‘’Cast all your burdens on Him, for He cares for you’’

Read Also: Just say Thank you

Worry has been recognised as an age long opponent of man, it has ruined and destroyed so many people. It has permanently sent some to perpetual sad life. It has been with man since time immemorial, and it will be till the end of age. Bearing this in mind, man needs to take serious action to break the habit before it breaks us.


In conclusion, let us examine this. A woman realised fears were ruining her life. She began to keep track of what has been worrying her, she found out that 40% of the things she worried about were things that would never happen, 31% were things that had already happened, 12% were people’s opinion about her, 10% were needless health worries, which made her health worse as she worried, 8% of the things she were ‘’ legitimate’’, since life has some real problems to meet. Taking this as a probable statistics it can be found that only 8% of the things we worry about are worth the worry.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Written by Damilola Paul Owoyemi.

Young, smart and quite unassuming; D.P.O is a Tourism and Recreation Planner. He can be reached at damilolapaulowoyemi@gmail.com

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