With the help of this kind of movies, the modern audience can get as close as possible to what life was when these creatures permeated the earth.
“Jurassic World: fallen kingdom” boasts of wonderful directing, heart-stopping actions, blood-pumping sound tracks, and marvelous villains and heroes.
Homage to previous sequels
Perhaps, you could have a bit of a hard time drawing the lines between who the real protagonists and the antagonists are. You may safely tag it a clash of two worlds: beast and man.
No doubt, this latest attempt at Jurassic Park series is a guide on memory lane to digital dinosaur movie venture which started in 1993 with “Jurassic Park 1.” Soon the other four sequels followed. You remember how the dinosaurs stomped across and made a feast of stranded and hapless tourists. This edition is a creative homage to the previous sequels.
What’s new in this sequel?
You are probably thinking: what’s then new to see in “Jurassic world: fallen kingdom”? Why should I ever want to see this movie? Well, the reasons are not far-fetched.
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Dinosaurs; lovable villains
The dinosaurs are the biggest lords of the screen. Ironically, the man-eating dinosaurs of the Jurassic Park are our darlings. Take the dinosaurs away from the franchise and nothing meaningful is left. No one can shy away from the fact that audiences around the globe got magnetized by the dinosaur idea right from the very first installment of the Jurassic Park franchise.
This is where it becomes hard to tell who the villains and the heroes are. From the outset, the villains are the dinosaurs but as is the culture in most horror-coated movies, the dinosaurs are taking over and gradually becoming the heroes. Truth be told, this is the closest most modern movie goers have been to mountain-shaming natural creatures. Most of us have relied on fossils and mere pictures to have an experience of certain extinct forces of nature such as dragons, dinosaurs etc.
With the help of this kind of movies, the modern audience can get as close as possible to what life was when these creatures permeated the earth. If we take the dinosaurs to be the heroes, invariably, man is now the villain and this is where another irony crops up: man is busy saving the brachiosaurus which are busy looking for ways to finish him up.
It’s scary to think of the movie placing a premium on the life of a dinosaur as the longest scene spent on a human being being devoured by the beasts is the scene where two dinosaurs feast on a human in the final scenes.
Cinematographic majesty
The cinematography: Oh my my. Oscar Faura is surely a beautiful mind with special eyes for what makes a movie magnetic with the audience. The Spanish cinematographer regales us with crazy scenic angles to the story, the kinds of angles that’d make you see this particular story in a whole new light.
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The under the water shots at the beginning, the heart-wrenching shot of a brachiosaurus standing at the edge of destruction where the eruption eventually engulfs it, the scene where Owen meets Blue again and many more speak eloquently of Faura’s cinematic expertise. The scenes transit with a certain urgency that characterizes the spirit of the plot as the rescue team cannot afford not to be as fast as possible in its mission to save the dinosaurs from the erupting habitat.
Musical suspense
The music is in perfect synergy with the quick and urgent movements of the scenes. In fact, each sound helps build the suspense that pins you to the edge of your seat as the story unfolds. You hear the water roaring and the Island erupting and the animals running to safety. The pandemonium on its own creates a heart-gripping music that helps Michael Giacchino create the sounds that help bring the movie to life.
The plot comes pressing hard on you with a fascinating build up to the climax. At the core of this is an enchanting story that sees Eli Mills appearing as a saviour and sending forth a team to get the endangered species off the volatile Island only to be revealed later that he actually nurses the ambition to sell off the animals.
Experienced cast
The cast is on point. You can bet on Chris Pratt to always deliver on this kind of set. Bryce Dallas is equally up to the task as she is given more to do. Eli Mills notices the passion of these two people for the natural world as he says, “You two, you are the parents of the new world.”
Jeff Goldblum role in this franchise is the voice of reason. He reprises his normal Dr. Ian Malcom role but does not appear beyond two scenes. He delivers in those two scenes the icing on the cake of the movie. He says, “These creatures were here before us and if we are not careful, they are gonna be here after us.” Now that is a scary caveat to the whole of humanity.
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Making it a child-friendly tale
The presence of Maisie (Isabella Sermon) is another brilliant attempt at creating emotional connection between children and the movie. The child character is brave and performs role that can help our children hearten up in times of troubles.
Astute directing
The directorial capabilities of the Spanish director, Juan Antonio Garcia Bayona are again brought to the fore here. The director is known for “The Orphanage” (2007), “The Impossible” (2012), “A monster Calls.”
Bayona is therefore never a novice when it comes to giving life to horror and sci-fi adventure screenplays and making the world tremble in their wake. Critics have drawn the lines between “The orphanage,” and “Jurassic World: fallen kingdom” regarding the latter as a movie imbued with ghosts (dinosaurs).
Now playing in cinemas
Written by Omidire Idowu.