Daddy Freeze is not contributing anything to development of Nigeria, no single original idea – sensible or senseless, just hate for Churches.
Nigeria is rife with fakes. Fake everything: wealth, medications, democracy, budgets, philanthropy, intelligence, projects, packaging, opportunities, innovation, education, etc.
Fakes in Nigeria are innumerable – outsizing originals. There are fake pastors too.
There are also false knowledge and fake understanding. The Bible is open to diverse interpretations and Daddy Freeze took the advantage.
But, true believe in the Lord GOD is a commitment to Faith, whatever comes, good or bad, you stay faithful. God saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. God saved Daniel. But he did not ‘save’ James, the brother of John, killed by Herod. He – only – knows why. He’s Sovereign.
Also Read: Churches are NOT business centers
Christianity is rigorously about Faith, obedience and loyalty to His Will. There are disappointments and rejections one may face at certain times, but later on, may find it was for the better. So, that something did not work at a time – for a genuine Christian – does not mean the Lord failed.
As a fact, the Lord loves lessons of endurance, courage, perseverance, uncompromising and great Faith, even when situations become irreparable.
The Struggles of Apostle Paul
2 Corinthians 6:4 But we commend ourselves in every way as [true] servants of God: through great endurance, in tribulation and suffering, in hardships and privations, in sore straits and calamities,
2 Corinthians 11:24 Five times I received from [the hands of] the Jews forty [lashes all] but one.
2 Corinthians 11:25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. I have spent a night and a day in the depths of the sea.
2 Corinthians 11:26 [In] journeyings often, [in] perils of waters, [in] perils of robbers, [in] perils by [mine own] countrymen, [in] perils by the heathen, [in] perils in the city, [in] perils in the wilderness, [in] perils in the sea, [in] perils among false brethren;
2 Corinthians 11:27 [in] labor and travail, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.
2 Corinthians 11:29 Who is weak, and I do not feel [his] weakness? Who is made to stumble and fall and have his faith hurt, and I am not on fire [with sorrow or indignation]?
Acts 27:15 And when the ship was caught and was unable to head against the wind, we gave up and, letting her drift, were borne along.
Acts 27:18 As we were being dangerously tossed about by the violence of the storm, the next day they began to throw the freight overboard;
Acts 27:20 And as we had not seen the sun or stars for a long time, and a great storm was on us, all hope of salvation was gone.
In spite of his mission – spreading the gospel of Christ, Apostle Paul had an enormous amount of struggles. He was beaten, imprisoned and was a defendant on several charges from court to court. He suffered so much that it would probably not have been a bad idea to complain that why all of these on me, at least I’m winning souls, why not always whisk me away and save me in an instant?
Apostle Paul was rugged, he spent and he was spent. He did all that is expected for obvious reward, but he didn’t ‘seem to get’ a lot of them going through those struggles, but he stayed true to his Faith, and desired to know the power of Christ’s resurrection.
Apostle Paul had critics and also had false brethren around him, but he did not flinch.
Also Read: Why Daddy Freeze's mission failed
Daddy Freeze knows nothing about True Christianity
Daddy Freeze uses his zero knowledge of true Christianity to confuse people about what the Faith should be about. He is not a supporter of Christ, but an opponent, who, rather than attack from another faith, uses the Bible, misinterprets it and chips away the Faith in Christ – some people had. The ability to read the Bible is not a guarantee to understand it.
Rather, Daddy Freeze jumps quickly on whatever he perceives as loophole and comments – trying so hard to sound wise. Daddy Freeze chooses what sin is or is not. Some of his supporters believe that since the internet is not in the Bible, whatever anyone does on the internet is not sin.
Daddy Freeze loves giving the advice of doing the worst. If you have problems in your marriage, most likely get divorced. Do not try to work it out, just cut if off.
Most of his explanations rarely include takes – balanced in both ways. It is just one thing, especially those to make people doubt and grow in unbelief. He rarely touches rigorous examples of holiness or obedience – or, the Fruits of the Spirit.
Regarding his hate for testimonies, there are far more heavyweight miracles in the Old Testament than the New Testament. It does not mean that Power of GOD isn’t as potent. It is! So when there is a testimony in a true Church about what someone knew they experienced, it is only the injudicious that would say it is beyond what GOD can do – something Daddy Freeze often implies.
Tithe is not totally hard to give, and may be a simple test. But it is voluntary. Saying so cheaply that where in the Epistles were tithes paid? Is a point only a know-nothing makes! There are so many stuff not exactly in the Epistles but still valid as part of following Christ Jesus.
The laws of GOD and the Kingdom of GOD are not national development specific. It is possible to have true Churches in Nigeria with this un-understandable underdevelopment.
In following Christ, for a genuine Christian, anywhere in the world, holiness is easier than wickedness, evil and sin. [1 John 5:3 – For loving God is keeping his laws: and his laws are not hard.]
Nigeria’s Poverty
Contrary to what Daddy Freeze says, Churches are not responsible for the poverty in Nigeria and it is not their responsibility to take people out of poverty. There are areas they can make great impact – say with their Universities. But change for Nigeria lays first in genuine knowledge, then more exceptional smartness and cold hard differential talent, for transcendent projects – before money.
Also Read: RCCG and Makoko slum
But sorry, fake knowledge and projects are everywhere instead. And so much noise of events, competitions and announcements, totally out-of-whack from true development Nigeria needs. The Nigerian pattern for solutions is to make a lot of noise and get publicity announcing you want to solve a problem, or call a big show to select solutions – which, most times is to non-problems. Then work begins and continues on things in opposite direction to major problems. Really unfortunate!
In some of the so rural and poorest areas in cities across Nigeria, you have very beautiful bank buildings. What great stuff are they doing to impact their immediate environment? Oh, sorry, people only see Churches.
Nigeria’s underdevelopment is far deeper than what just true Churches – no matter their number – can solve. Some people always mistake Victoria Island, Lekki and Banana Island for development in Nigeria. Great places, yes, but inseparable from Nigeria’s backwardness! Exposure and having more than others is also mistaken for smartness, so wrong.
There is a controversy to end SARS in Nigeria. But Nigerian Police-induced insecurity has been a knowledge problem. There are fiercely intelligent consultants in Nigeria who, many years ago, could have done continuous, passionate and realistic reports to make the police better and some of the changes may have been implemented by some commissioner or IG. But the consultants did nothing, and won’t give their knowledge for free. So now, with plethoric internet fraud and dreaded sars – offering no security, the only noise is to end sars. Perhaps, if sars is ended, their ideology may continue, who knows?
Also Read: Adeboye and RCCG should provide Electricity to Nigeria
No electricity, infinite hunger and absolute poverty are threats to Nigeria not Churches. Non-Muslims who have mosques in their neighborhoods don’t see mosques and hate mosques, or expect them to develop Nigeria. Same with informal liquor spots, bet and lotto spots, etc. But Churches are seen, hated, accused and strewn with so many responsibilities.
Some say the hate is because of Pastors, but true Churches are bigger than any Pastor, no matter what it seems, and whatever a true Pastor chooses to do, it does not hinder the nation’s progress. There is freedom to not go to any Church you disagree with.
Some people now attack prayers because Super Eagles lost to Croatia, OK. But Super Eagles don’t have any top world class player. So why not pray to boost their confidence. Blame football authorities not prayers – for the loss and the lack of talent.
Hollywood has collaborated with Indian and Chinese movie industries for years. Some actors made a switch from other movie industries around the world to the top of Hollywood, but nothing for the Nigerian movie industry. Same for music collaborations, lacking top-rated A-list videos and music featuring that breaks into real – global – popularity.
More Churches or Pastors are not a threat to development. President Kagame of Rwanda felt otherwise and ordered hundreds of Churches shut. Whatever Rwanda seems to be achieving would not have been hindered by Churches. But as president for life, he’s more of a threat to Rwanda’s stability than Churches.
Also Read: Daddy Freeze on Shiloh, Internet Fraud, Rwanda and Kagame
Author David Himbara wrote that, “The entire Kigali City is unhygienic — with open sewers running through homes and neighborhoods. A city of over one million, Kigali does not have a sewage system. There is no treatment plant — raw sewage is dumped into the national and regional water systems.”
“In Kagame’s Rwanda that is full of poverty, division, and oppression, it makes perfect sense that indeed thousands of people flock to churches without hesitation.”
Daddy Freeze is not contributing anything to development of Nigeria, no single original idea – sensible or senseless, just hate for Churches. RCCG, Winners and other true Churches don’t control the Power Plants, or Sovereign Wealth Fund, or NNPC, or CBN, or Agriculture, or BOI, or the NPF, or NEPAD, or the IFC, or AfDB, or AU, or ECOWAS.
Written by Nneka Okumazie
Twitter/IG: Okumazie