Here are 5 struggles you should expect when moving into a celibate relationship after a sexual one.
You may ask yourself why someone who was in sexual relationship would even agree to go into another one and decide to be celibate against his or her ‘real wish’.
The answer to that is that sometimes, people often make rash decisions that they’d later discover that they can’t go through with.
So don’t be surprised that there are people who would enter into clearly sexless relationships and then turn around and start demanding sex midway through the relationship.
Whether it was a well-thought decision or not, however, here are struggles you should expect when moving into a celibate relationship after a sexual one.
1. The switch is never easy
Theoretically, you could be prepared for the change from that previous relationship to a life of love without sex.
Afterall, what could be difficult in loving your partner with all your heart without laying finger on them sexually? Nothing right?
Well, it’s usually not that easy.
2. More masturbation
Whether you are a man or woman, you may find yourself trying to relieve that sexual tension by yourself. Having sex for a while and then trying to stop never really comes easy and self-pleasuring could be your way of getting off during that difficult period before you become completely weaned off sex.
For some people the masturbation never really stops.
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3. Tempted to cheat
Also the temptation to cheat may be overpowering sometimes [or many times]. Afterall, your partner trusts you completely and would allow you go for a sleep over at your friend’s place.
What he/she doesn’t know is that you once had great sex with your friend’s neighbor who has since been begging for a rematch.
Now that you are horny and there’s no chance of getting it with your partner, the temptation is very strong to give in to one more night with him/her.
Afterall no one will tell your boyfriend, right?
4. Unknowingly pressuring your partner
You may find yourself putting pressure on your partner without even knowing it. Your make out sessions have clearly been limited to kisses and a few touch here and there but you may find yourself testing, pushing all those limits everytime you make out with your partner.
If only your partner wasn’t just so firm with their stand on the no-sex policy, you know what would have happened
5. Don’t enter relationships you can’t cope with
It is important at all times to date at your level. Always be equally-yoked with your partner. You want sex, date someone who wants sex. Don’t squeeze yourself into a relationship and get stuck in uncomfortable situations.
Relationships are to be enjoyed, not endured.