Guy Smarts: Chris Pratt and James Corden went for a hike on 'the late late show,' and it's hilarious

Chris Pratt and James Corden went for a hike on 'the late late show,' and it's hilarious

To do so, he enlisted the help of Jurassic World actor Chris Pratt, who underwent an impressive fitness transformation and knows what it takes to stay in good shape.

James Corden is currently filming The Late Late Show in London, and while there, he wanted to show the Brits why people in Los Angeles are so obsessed with hiking.

To do so, he enlisted the help of Jurassic World actor Chris Pratt, who underwent an impressive fitness transformation and knows what it takes to stay in good shape.

"You are in exquisite shape. How often do you hike?" Corden asks Pratt in the segment.

"Couple times a week, probably," the actor replies. "There's a lot of great hikes out here. It's beautiful."


Before heading off, Corden unloads a backpack filled with unnecessary hiking gear like ski poles, a neck pillow, toilet paper and more. Afterwards, the pair finally set off into the Hollywood hills of Griffith Park, but within sixty feet of the startling line, Corden needs to take a breather.

"OK, I'm blacking out," Corden says. "I'm blacking out a little bit. It's tough."

Pratt motivates Corden, and they continue... but not without Corden thinking about all of the worst case scenarios that could take place (on a 45-minute hike?).

"If we got stuck out here, would you eat me? Which part would you eat first?" he asks.

"I'd probably just cut you open and sleep inside you if it got cold like Star Wars," Pratt responds.

Corden then says he's hungry, and if there was no food, he'd eat Pratt's penis. Yep, his d-ck.

"Did you say d-ck?" Pratt responded, keeling over in laughter. "You're going to have to eat a lot more than that. You're going to need more calories than that."

Corden eating Pratt's privates is a pretty bad visual, but then Corden makes it worse by asking Pratt if he would ever drink poop juice to stay hydrated, like Bear Grylls did in the segment below. (And check out Bear Grylls' other poop-related tips here.)


"I will die of thirst first," Pratt responds. Same, Chris. Same.

The full segment, which includes Corden eating plants with ranch-dressing, Pratt and Corden hiking to I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by the Proclaimers, and taking selfies, is over 7 minutes long, but worth every second. Check out the full clip below.

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