Try these heat-generating moves for snuggly sex all season long.
Snuggly spoon
It's comfortable and lazy, and you can drape a blanket over your bodies to build extra heat. Added bonus: The little spoon gets to feel cozy as she’s cradled by the big spoon. Come for the climax, stay for the snuggle.
Lotus blossom
Then you sit on top of him, guiding his penis inside you and then closing your arms and legs around him.“Lotus is great because again, the whole chest, from the pelvis up, is connected,” explains Tammelleo. That level of skin-on-skin contact will bring you two to a slow boil.
Shower power
A playful way to get around this? Get out of bed, jump in the shower together, and crank up the steam . . . then create your own steam with a hot-shower sex session. Consider it the perfect way to start a winter morning or end a chilly day.
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