Here are some tips to use the next time you want to share your faith.
As Christians, we have all been called to spread the gospel, to go out there and tell others about God's great love(Matthew 28:16–20).
You could do this on a public bus, on social media or you could consider the following.
Here are three great ways to share the good news:
Live a Christ-like life
It's one thing to talk the talk and a totally different thing to live it. If you really want to share the gospel, don't just talk about it, live a Christ-like life worthy of emulation. Let your life attract others to God, let them see you and be curious about who or what makes you act the way you do.
Remember, "You are the light of the world" ( Matthew 5:14), go out there and shine for God.
Start God-centered conversations
Rather spending hours analyzing the latest viral (nothing wrong with this but you could be doing so much more with your time), you could initiate spiritual discussions instead.
Start with by first praying inside, asking God for the right words before talking about your faith. You don't have to impose your beliefs on them, just be on the lookout for opportunities to share your experience with your Heavenly Father as you listen and ask insightful, spiritually-minded questions.
Afterwards, don't forget to ask God to finish the good work He has begun in their lives.
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Invite people to your church
In John 4, we see Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman from verse 7 to 26. By verse 28, she is seen going to call others. The verse reads, "Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did."
We should all be like this, sharing the good news with others, and inviting them to so they can come and see for themselves.
Salvation is not for us, but for us to share it others so we can all be saved. Be encouraged, go out and win souls!
Note: Be prepared for rejection. But remember that this is not about you, it's about the person that sent you. So, take it all to Him and He will give you the grace to continue.