Excess fat is often caused by an imbalance of energy.
Neck fat, sometimes referred to as “turkey neck”, lies just beneath the skin of the neck. Excess fat is often caused by an imbalance of energy.
In other words, we’re taking in more energy than we’re using up, and it gets stashed away as excess fat. Genetic factors can also contribute to excess weight gain and neck fat.
The best way to get rid of it is by using home remedies and regular exercise.
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Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A and fiber. They take longer to digest and keep you full for a long time. This, in turn, can help you lose weight.
1-2 carrots
Take one or two carrots and cut them into thin slices.
Eat them as it is or adds to your favorite dish.
You can also juice the carrots and drink it up.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera can help you lose weight by converting the carbohydrates and fat that you consume into energy instead of storing them.
It also stimulates the production of collagen, which, in turn, speeds up your metabolism.
1 cup of fresh aloe juice
Consume a cup of fresh aloe juice. You must do this 1 to 2 times daily.
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Lemon juice
Lemon juice is another wonderful and easy remedy to help you lose weight. The presence of vitamin C in lemon makes it a powerful antioxidant that can improve your metabolism and help you burn the excess fat.
½ lemon
1 glass of warm water
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water.
Mix well and add some honey to it.
Consume this every morning on an empty stomach.
Do this once daily.