Refinery 29's Senior Beauty Editor takes us into the murky underworld of hair extensions and reveals the ugly truth.
Have you ever wondered about the origins of your supposed 100% virgin hair extensions? Many times we’re told that they are the best quality Peruvian, Indian or Malaysian tresses money can buy, which is why we pay big money for bundles but what's the real story. Refinery 29's Lexy Lebsack reveals the truth in this illuminating video.
Refinery 29's new beauty series shows the other side of the multi-billion dollar industry. The Shady series hosted by Refinery29 Senior Beauty Editor, Lexy Lebsack, swivels between the unexpected and uplifting, dives deep into the dark underbelly of beauty, gives a voice to those trampled by this quickly growing industry, and questions what it’s all worth. From counterfeit makeup to skin trafficking for cosmetic procedures, they go where the story is.
In this episode, Lexy takes us into the underground world of human hair trafficking. Wigs and extensions are often made of real human hair, but have you ever questioned how that hair was sourced?
Check it out and see if you don't change your mind about where you buy your hair!