Being a pro-MUA means learning how to take care of your skin first and Youtuber Shayla shares all her skin care secrets here.
Problematic skin is absolutely no fun and can make even putting on makeup a chore. Luckily, in her latest video, Youtuber and beauty influencer Shayla Mitchell shares the secrets to her flawless skin.
Did you know that the skin is your body's largest organ? It certainly is and it serves as a protective barrier between your insides and the rest of the world, helps regulate body temperature and acts as a filter.
It's affected by every aspect of your life, from what you eat to where you live. Healthy skin is better able to fight signs of aging, heals much faster and staves off potential disease better than unhealthy skin. It's incredibly important to take care of your skin before anything else.
Shayla Mitchell knows better than anyone, the importance of looking after your skin and making sure it looks its best. Those who wear makeup have to work extra hard to ensure that their skin is eell taken care of because makeup often cloggs pores and leads to skin problelms.
Shayla, best known as Makeupshayla, has amassed a whopping 2.5 million followers on Instagram and nearly half a million followers on her Youtube channel.
Mitchell is one of the most powerful beauty influencers in social media, thanks to her regular makeup tutorials and flawless selfies.
Shayla happily shares a wealth of of beauty and skin care information and in her latest video, she shares her coveted skin care routine.
Shayla is very vocal about taking care of her skin and in this video, she gives up her skin care must-haves and gives us some very important rules to live by.
Listen carefully below and your skin will be glowing in no time!