The President was echoing an earlier DSS claim that most of the killers causing mayhem in the Central Nigeria area are not indigenous.
On two occasions he had cautioned us not to underrate the Libya Theory
Stating that those perpetrating mayhem in the Central Nigeria area are AK47 carrying anarchist from Libya, offspring of Maamar Ghadafi’s regime, and not the Fulani Herders who only carry sticks and machetes for the cutting of foliage…
The Intel from the Horse’s Mouth…
Such claims before the world cannot be unfounded, it has to be backed by facts and sound intelligence briefs. And as it stands, the President was echoing an earlier DSS claim that most of the killers causing mayhem in the Central Nigeria area are not indigenous; they are foreigners, agents of the Islamic State West Africa (ISWA), with cells spread across the nation.
Read Also: 'Nigerian herdsmen don't carry guns', President tells Donald Trump.
The Commander-in-Chiefs revelation and claims leaves much to be desired: Does It mean that there were no such killings (with similar or the same Modus Operandi) in the periods before Ghadafi's demised; and had he evidences to disproved claims that Fulani or “Fulani herders” the perpetrators of the heinous crimes; what new evidence disproved earlier claims and assertions regarding the identity and motives of the killers.
The killings predate Ghadafi’s death. Apprehended and paraded perpetrators of banditry and suspected killers shows the Fulani and herders as most dominant. Clashes between herders and farmers over space are remote and old, but the dimension of expressing dissatisfaction has changed.
It was the genocide at Dogo NaHawa in Plateau State on March 6, 2010, that drew the attention of the nation to this brand of terror; Ghadifi was confirmed dead in October 2011. Several similar attacks were recorded in Plateau State, but it has taken an alarming dimension in this dispensation, its flames ravaging through Kaduna, Taraba, Adamawa, Nasarawa, Benue and Kogi states.
Confirmed Identity
At first it was “alleged” that Fulani were the perpetrators of this mayhem, but not any more: The Governor of Kaduna State, a very intelligent man, himself a Fulani, revealed that the killers in Kaduna (South) are Fulani but not indigenous to the area or the country, who are on a vendetta for a supposed wrong done them; He revealed further that they were traced and paid compensation to stop the killings.
Then came Miyetti Allah, a socio-cultural and occupational group, consisting mostly of Fulani and herders; who initially justified these atrocities as reprisal attacks between farmers and herders, and/or desperate actions to compel a reversal of anti-open grazing laws and push for the establishment of cattle ranches, or colonies. Were their claims real or fabrications - red herrings to achieve a different objective! Because concessions had been made, yet problem persists!
Neglected Duty...
Since the unleashing of Boko Haram terror, other security challenges were assigned secondary priority status; Should the Intelligence Agencies investigate further than the Police, the incident at Dogo NaHawa, the present security challenges in Central Nigeria would have been avoided.
The Killers would have been exposed, and the challenges that informed their motives curtailed and contained. The whole sad incident was tainted with primordial sentiments and prejudices, and allowed to blossom owning to actions and inactions to parties involved who spin theories based on biases, while the crux of the crises is revealed or ignored to the detriment of all!
Other Failures
Now, the evil allow had matured into a monster and is hard to be tamed or eliminated. The security Organization tasked with monitoring and detection of unlawful activities failed too. Immigration cannot account for the infiltration of this foreign Fulani and Libya fighters; neither did the police have substantive explanation for the movement of the killers.
The army had launch several operations to fished out the perpetrators only to emerged from the jungles with games, and not culprit. How have they remained elusive, these ghosts from Libya, these foreign Fulani and aggrieved herders, why had the combined intelligence of this country unable to apprehend them. And yet, the President is confident of what he is selling to the outside world and not here, because we know better.
Intelligent Agencies
The agencies shouldered with the responsibility of obtaining intel on possible threats to the nation both domestic and external, and to aid in averting same include the State Security Services (SSS) now styled Department of State Security (DSS), it is charged with internal security; The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) oversees foreign intelligence and counter-intelligence; while the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for military intelligence.
Could the president declaration be the conclusion from reports from these agencies, if so, was it a unanimously one; that the Killers terrorizing Central Nigeria area are Ghadafi’s ex-fighters and ISWA? Was the President announcement based on their security briefs to him, or his personal conviction, regardless of facts: did they share his opinion that the Fulani moves around with only sticks and cutlasses and do not carry AK 47 – is that what they report to him!
Read Also: NEC wants herders movement banned in Benue, Taraba, Adamawa
No wonder the armed security outfits cannot claim victory, the Phantoms from Libya can be very illusive, and if they have learnt well from their late master Ghadafi, it will be another 40 years or more before they will be caught – or never!
Failed solutions
The aggrieved Fulani had been paid off, ranches have been established for them, while many are still free to open graze, yet the killings persists. All these are solutions to perceived problems which are not intelligently determined, hence the failures! The Intelligence Agencies that has the duty and capacity to provide accurate intelligence reports whereby lasting solution can be drawn and initiated had and are failing in their duties, not because the lack the capacity, but maybe because the lack the will, or had compromised their sworn duty, and churn out intels that satisfied their benefactors!
Intelligence is Progress
Economic, political and social progress is not determine by wealth of a nation or its brute military strength alone, but presence of peace which guarantee investments and success in activities; Peace is only possible through effective Intelligence that curtailed impending threats and actual challenges.
Powerful nations in world today owed their successes to their security agencies: The USA has the CIA, Russia has the GRU, Britain the M16, Isreal the MOOSAD, among many others, and they are doing excellently. Nigeria’s Intelligence Agencies are under-performing, not only lives but the nations integrity is at take…
Nutshell, we are at the mercy of a defective intelligence which have afflicted us and transformed us into the walking dead, who are waiting to be buried should the undertakers from Libya arrive…
Written by Mbuyazi Emmanuel.
Mbuyazi Emmanuel, Historian, creative writer. Loves reading, watching movies and research. Contact: zikazigadaba@gmail.com, FACEBOOK: Mbuyazi Emmanuel; Follow FB Page: Grandad’s Lenses, and grandadlenses.wordpress.com