Eat these foods in the bedroom to spice up your sex life.
Are you trying to spice up your sex life? Then, you have to start eating in the bedroom.
Sex is a healthy part of a relationship. It forms an intimate bond between you and your partner and builds trust, honesty, and respect for one another. Try these foods to amplify every angle of your sex life—satisfying you and your partner.
Research shows that watermelon contains an amino acid that mimics the active ingredients in Viagra and other ED medicines.
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Eggs promote relaxation and stamina, helping you to be mentally prepared and allowing your body to keep up.
Ginger won’t just alleviate a sour stomach but it will also increase a sexual sensation. It works by dilating your blood vessels, which can lead to a better erection.
Chili Peppers
Chili peppers won’t just spice up a dish but also your sex life because capsaicin triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins create the feeling of euphoria—hello hotter sex.
Garlic is the king of all foods. Cook it right and you won’t be turning away your partner. The superfood contains allicin, a compound that can increase blood flow to sex organs. Be sure to flavor up each dish with this ingredient.
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Yes, they’re loaded with omega-3 fatty acids — giving you that extra energy for the bedroom. Nuts also contain high levels of arginine, the precursor to nitric oxide (NO). Heightened NO levels will allow for a firmer erection and better performance.