Pulse daily DIY recipe teaches prospective chefs how to prepare healthy, Ghanaian dishes in a simple way.
The delicious frozen treat is basically a banana smoothie covered with a layer of chocolate.
It is suitable for both children and adults and it is easy to make.
What you need:
- 50 grams of chocolate chips
- One tin of milk
- Three frozen bananas (you can peel and put in a plastic bag and freeze overnight)
- Half a cup of vanilla yogurt
ALSO READ: How to bake a banana cake with caramel icing
How to:
1. Mix the chocolate chips and some milk in a small bowl.
2. Microwave for half a minute on high heat.
3. Stir till mixture becomes smooth. Leave to cool.
4. Blend the remaining milk with the frozen banana and yogurt till smooth.
5. Coat your serving glasses with the chocolate mixture.
6. Pour the banana smoothie in the chocolate coated glasses.
7. Cover with the chocolate mixture and enjoy.