First, she worked out "too much" during her pregnancy. Then, she dared to wear underwear eight weeks postpartum. And now, she *gasp* shows off her own body on her own Instagram account.
Model and fit mom-of-two Sarah Stage (a.k.a. "Six-Pack Mom") apparently can't do anything right, according to the Internet.
First, she worked out "too much" during her pregnancy. Then, she dared to wear underwear eight weeks postpartum. And now, she *gasp* shows off her own body on her own Instagram account.
As always, Sarah fired back with a to-the-point Instagram post on Thursday. "So funny when I read comments like 'You’re a mom, cover up,'" she wrote in the caption, next to a photo of her casually lounging in a white bra and panties.
"Being a mom doesn’t take away from our sexiness. If anything, it adds to it because confidence and self love is everything!" she concluded.
So funny when i read comments like “You’re a mom, cover up” being a mom doesn’t take away from our sexiness. If anything, it adds to it because confidence and self love is everything ! Comment a if you agree
A post shared by MY FITNESS E BOOK AVAIL NOW (@sarahstage) on May 10, 2018 at 11:19am PDT
Even if you’re a mom and find it totally unrelatable to want to post naked or lingerie shots of yourself in public (something I’m definitely not in a rush to do) or find it jaw-dropping that she can look this good after giving birth when you’re still sporting your maternity jeans (ahem, me again), you’ve got to give her props because, hello, she looks great.
And the calls for her to "cover up" as a mom seem especially ridiculous. Just because a woman is a mother doesn't mean she's no longer a sexual being, or should behave in a certain way. As one commenter wisely put it: "That’s like telling David Beckham to cover up bc he’s a dad."
Also, let’s get honest for a minute about what Sarah does for a living. She sells fitness and nutrition guides and resistance bands. Her body is her business, in more ways than one. If she walked around in oversized sweats, no one would be interested.
Then of course, she’s no doubt genetically blessed. Her body is not your body (it's certainly not mine!), and that’s okay.
You do, you, Sarah. The rest of us new moms will take our equally sexy dimpled rears and be on our way.