For Guys: Why you should never try to buy your way into a relationship

15 questions you must ask bae before proposing

It does not matter how much money you have spent, if you do not ask, you may be doing all these in vain.

How do you approach relationships? What’s your most preferred method of shooting your shot, getting the girl you have hots for?

Acceptable ways of ‘toasting’ babes

Do you go directly at her with your intentions or do you make friends with her, bearing hope in your mind that things will later morph into something bigger, better and sweeter?

It is said repeatedly and believed very widely that many of the best relationships often begin as friendships. They say that two people would be great together if they lay the foundation of their relationship with the good deeds, shared moments and positive vibes that friendship is about. And really, with so much evidential stories backing this theory, one can’t fault it. It’s a system that works.

So it’s perfectly OK to sometimes pursue friendship with a babe, suppressing the romantic intent towards her just to build a familiarity first, instead of diving head first in.


So for guys who usually choose this friendship-first approach, you’re doing just great, and it’s a style that works and has it merits; one of it being the ease with which you are afforded to segue into the relationship.

How not to ‘toast’ babes

This is one not-so-popular issue but an issue none-the-less.

There are guys who are either too shy or too clueless as to what it takes to ask a woman to be yours. Without dancing around the subject, the simple trick is that you have to ask!

In clear terms and without any ambiguity, you just have to ask! If you have not asked, and heard a yes or some other form of express acquiescence such as a text message, you are not the man in charge of that heart yet.

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It does not matter how many gifts you have bought, how much money you have spent, how many times you call her, how many hours you text each other for in a day or how long you have known each other.

It does not matter if you are the only man in her life, or if you rented her apartment, paid her kid brother’s school fees, or took a loan at the bank to send her kid brother abroad.

If you do not ask, you may be doing all these in vain.


You can’t buy your way in

Ok, if we’re being literal, you actually can. Everyone understands by now the number of things you can buy with money and the things money can afford. Even relationships are purchasable now. So, yeah, you could actually buy your way into a relationship.

But really, that’s not the best way to go about getting into a relationship.

While it may work for some women, for some other women, it won’t. There’s a whole lot of things needed for love to blossom in the heart of, and while Instagram comment sections may firmly put money at the very forefront of those needs, money alone can’t be the answer. Even the comment section reflects that.

Without care, affection, concern, trust, faithfulness, genuine commitment and others, money doesn’t really mean much.

Money may never be enough to get you the girl of your dreams, and it’s certainly not enough to retain the happiness in your relationship.

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