Entrepreneur David Rubenstein takes reading to the extreme level; he claims that he reads six books a week and 10 newspapers a day.
It is true that working tirelessly and surrounding yourself with good headed staffs are some of the requirements that make a successful business. However, there are some certain habits that are closely associated with success that their importance cannot be overemphasize.
In this article, we've succeeded in compiling seven of them hoping they drive your business in the right direction as you try to adjust your lifestyle to them
Here are seven successful habits everybody in business should know
1. Focused
Successful people are always focused. They make a plan of action (a goal) and stay dedicated and focused towards it no matter what. They think about the big picture and don’t let little things stop them.
A normal person would plan something and waver after a couple of days, but a successful person would stick to it up to the very end.
2. Be prepared to get moving
The best way to kick-start your mornings is to indulge in a fitness activity as exemplified by numerous entrepreneurs, leaders, and CEOs.
Hit the gym, but if you can't then go for brisk walking; jogging, cycling, swimming, yoga, or simply take your dog out for a walk if you have one.
Important to realize is that physical activity does not only add to your health and wellbeing, it also sets the tone for the day, leading to better performance at work.
3. Time management
Successful people have outstanding time management habits. They don’t easily get distracted and try their upmost not to waste time. Successful people are very good at planning and staying organized.
4. Network is the key
A define morale booster in the world of successful entrepreneurs is to constantly be in touch with people who subscribe to the same school of thought as you do.
The unceasing flow of knowledge, the wide access to multiple opportunities and the sharing of ideas with influencers and peers at various business and social events create room for progress in any business. Not without reason was it said that birds of same feathers, flock together.
5. Reading maketh an entrepreneur
Reading is a connecting force that unites highly successful people. In 2015, Mark Zuckerberg pledged to read a book every two weeks.
Warren Buffett spends 80 percent of his day reading.
Bill Gates is a known bookworm and reads up to 50 books in a year. He also collects rare books.
Entrepreneur David Rubenstein takes reading to the extreme level; he claims that he reads six books a week and 10 newspapers a day.
So, to add to your personal and professional growth, you should be willing to step into the shoes of successful entrepreneurs like these who love reading and put some good books on your reading list.
Remember: It takes a reader to be a leader.
6. Practice philanthropy; give back to society
The law of sowing and reaping is immutable as night and day. If you give, you will get.
This is one truth that is known to most successful entrepreneurs and that is why integrated philanthropy has become another common trait among them.
There is a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative. And Marc Benioff's 1/1/1 Model. All of these are examples of founders giving back and exhibiting social responsibility.
More recently, Airbnb's co-founders committed half their fortunes to charity. And while Steve Jobs was criticized for not being philanthropic enough, it was later revealed that he donated $50 million to hospitals in California and funded HIV and AIDS research.
Emulate people like these and work toward giving back to society in some way or another; you do not need to have a foundation before you can give back to society.
7. Successful entrepreneurs don't stop learning
See it as your duty to strive for betterment with the passing of each day. Even Bill Gates attributes his success to the fact that he never wanted to stop learning.
Try to stay on top of the startup game by being aware of the latest happenings and trends in your industry. At the same time, constantly add new skills to your arsenal and use them for the betterment of your startup.
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