Youth and leadership challenge in Nigeria

Itaobong Offiong

In Nigeria, most times the things that attract wide media attention are often unwanted or unprotitable projects. People are simply being drawn to support a cause neither because it is possible nor practicable but because it is popular. Fly a little kite here and make a few wads available for the boys then social media will be both active and alive, resonating with sundry tones and tunes in its support. Very few people would do a research or feasibility studies to ascertain the desirability or otherwise of such an idea.

The wide media publicity the ‘Not Too Young To Run Movement’ has continued to receive even prior to the passage of its bill in July 2017 by the National Assembly and the recent pressure being mounted on the President to sign it makes one wonder if such urgency would address the nation’s economic woes in any specific way.

I’m sure not many Nigerians have short memory, although History is no longer taught in most schools. This writer is of the view that the present political and economic predicament plaguing the nation was caused by the yesterday’s youth involvement in leadership of this nation. For instance, the unfortunate civil war of 1967 to 1970 would have been averted if more mature people were at the helm of the country’s political leadership position at that time. The two major gladiators of that senseless war, Gen. Yakubu Gowon (retd) and Late Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu who were all within the age bracket of those who are regarded as youth today.

In fact, the key political actors of both pre and post-independence era were all young people. The first republic was considered by the military as being corrupt hence Chukwuma Nzeogu, a young military officer below the age of 30 years led a coup that truncated that administration and remotely culminated in the civil war.

Therefore, one would not be wrong to conclude that the youth of that time, mismanaged the destiny of Nigerians which providence placed in their hands. Mention any prominent leader at that time who was not either in his thirties or early forties and ask what legacy was handed down by them.

Yes, a few leaders like late Chief Obafemi Awolowo performed well as the premier of Western Nigeria in providing free education for his people and some notable infrastructure which made other regions see them as pace-setters. Did he achieve all that just because he was a youth or was he the only young leader in the country?

So, the whole clamour of “Not Too Young to Run Law” makes no sense as it is not likely going to add any value to the polity. Come to think of it, why are people dissipating their energy in such a venture? Even now, the few young men who are occupying political positions in the country; are they justifying the mandates of such offices to compel further demand for increasing youth involvement in governance.

What most Nigerians do not know is the level of intolerance, ignorance, tyranny, pride and lack of respect among those aspiring youth. Entrust a young man with leadership position, he goes hay-wire and suddenly becomes a demi-god of some sort. Our recent political experience has shown that most states which have had young men as governors have usually witnessed needless political crises which sometimes resulted in some politically-motivated killings leading to some opposition figures taking asylum in Abuja. So, if Nigeria is unfortunate to have any of those men as its president, then the international community would be prepared to host a great number of asylum seekers.

Tolerance and patience are qualities that come with the maturity of both the mind and age, the older and the more experienced one is, the more these attributes would be expected of him. I wonder how many youths in leadership position would brook attacks and vitriolic criticisms that are now flooding social media against this administration. It is even a known fact that one of those young men who copiously used the same platform to attack previous governments, on becoming a lawmaker had advocated its censorship.

Also, consider the conduct and activities of leadership of Nigerian students, then you would not be in doubt about the unpreparedness of the youth for leadership responsibilities in the country. Even the nation’s House of Representatives which is populated mostly by people in their late forties and fifties would sometimes throw caution to the wind and denigrate their coveted titles and engage in free-for-all, whereas similar issues have always been handled maturely in the upper legislative chamber. Even a few younger ones in that Red Chamber have also exhibited characters not consistent with the high office they occupy.

In any case, the clamour for youth’s takeover of the leadership position in the country is an exercise in futility. Despite their population advantage, they lack cohesiveness in their ranks to mobilize for national integration to achieve unanimity of purpose. An average Nigerian youth would like to be recognized based on his ethnic affinity rather than national disposition. Ethnicity is rather stronger in the national psyche than nationalism. Apart from this, the present economic situation where most young men are still battling to find their footing in the face of unemployment, under-employment and unemployability; these ugly realities which have taken not a little toll on them have also made many of them toothless bulldogs. They have been relegated to only scramble from the crumbs which politicians dole out. They are made personal assistants not to understudy their principals but as political settlements.

Where would the youth have the prerequisite experience or the financial muscle to wrestle power from the old guards who are not in any haste to leave the stage?  Just ask the cost of nomination form from any serious political party for any elective position and you would wonder if any youth could benefit from the signing of this bill.  Of what difference would it be if the children of corrupt leaders take advantage of this opportunity and get into power? Would their fathers not be recycled back to power by proxy? This only amounts to a change from an old guard to a new one!

    People, the world over would still pre fer to entrust the leadership of their countries in the hands of mature people. Some countries have leaders who were below forty years as at the time they took over the mantle of leadership, many of them are monarchies. These countries include France, Qatar, Yemen, Macedonia, Democratic Republic of Korea, San Marino and the Kingdom of Bhutan.

  Until there is a general ethical re-orientation, attitudinal and cultural revolution in Nigeria, youth should at best be reserved future leadership role of this country.


Etim writes from Calabar

The post Youth and leadership challenge in Nigeria appeared first on The Sun News.

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