The memos, which detailed private conversations with President Donald Trump, outlined interactions with Trump that Comey found questionable.
Former FBI director James Comey's memos are out.
Shortly after the Justice Department sent copies of former FBI director James Comey's memos to Congress at the request of a group of House Republicans, news organizations got ahold of the 15-page, partially redacted documents.
The memos, which detail private conversations Comey had with Donald Trump before and after he took office, outline interactions with Trump that Comey found to be questionable.
Here are the biggest revelations from Comey's memos:
Trump railed against Andrew McCabe
According to Comey, Trump blasted former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe and referred to him "your guy" in conversations with Comey, on several occasions.
"He asked (as he had at our dinner) whether my deputy had a problem with him, and recounting how hard he had been on the campaign trail," Comey wrote in the memo.
Trump bristled at McCabe frequently throughout his first year in the White House, often taking aim at him and his wife on Twitter.
Comey responded to Trump's comments by giving McCabe a positive assessment: "I again explained that Andy McCabe was a pro," Comey said in the memo.
McCabe was fired in March, amid an internal investigation over the manner in which he conducted himself during the FBI's Hillary Clinton email probe.
Trump said Mike Flynn had 'serious judgment issues.'
According to Comey, Trump complained about former national security adviser Mike Flynn by saying "the guy has serious judgment issues."
During a dinner, Trump recalled a conversation where Flynn had not properly informed him of a congratulatory call from a world leader after his inauguration.
"In telling the story, the President pointed his fingers at his head and said 'the guy has serious judgment issues,'" Comey said in the memo.
Who called to congratulate Trump?
Trump's reported source of ire for Flynn took a twist after Comey's memos were published.
According to Comey's account of Trump's story, Trump was giving a toast to UK Prime Minister Theresa May and explained she had been the first to congratulate him after he won the presidency. However, Flynn interrupted Trump to inform him that another world leader had called first.
The identity of the leader who first called Trump was redacted in the memo, however, people familiar with the situation said it was Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Thursday.
Flynn said a return call to that leader was scheduled, however, Trump appeared to have been irritated by the delay.
"Flynn said the return call was scheduled for Saturday, which prompted a heated reply from the President that six days was not an appropriate period of time to return a call from the [redacted] of a country like [redacted]," Comey wrote of Trump's account of conversation.
"This isn't [redacted] we are talking about," Trump said, according to Comey.
Russian President Vladimir Putin told Trump that his country had 'some of the most beautiful hookers in the world.'
Comey wrote that he and Trump discussed a salacious rumor that Trump allegedly entertained prostitutes and witnessed a sexual act while in a Moscow Ritz-Carlton hotel room in 2013.
"The President said 'the hookers thing' is nonsense," Trump said at the time, according to Comey, "but that Putin had told him 'we have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world."
Comey qualified his account and said that Trump "did not say where Putin had told him this."
Trump 'clearly noticed' Comey had directly criticized him
In another conversation, Comey wrote that Trump had broached the subject of a controversial interview he gave to former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly.
In the interview, Trump said he respected Russian President Vladimir Putin and waved off the host's characterization of Putin as a "killer."
"There are a ton of killers," Trump said during the interview. "We've got a lot of killers. What do you think? Our country's so innocent?"
Trump's response was immediately rebuked by US officials across the political spectrum, but Comey said that Trump did not see his words as controversial.
"He said he does respect the leader of a major country and thought that was the best answer," Comey wrote. "He then said, 'You think my answer was good, right?'"
"I said the answer was fine, except the part about killers, because we aren't the kind of killers that Putin is," Comey continued in his memo. "When I said this, the President paused noticeably. I don't know what to make of it, but he clearly noticed I had directly criticized him."
Trump wanted to 'go after the leakers'
Trump was so bothered by the number of leaks to news organizations, including his classified phone calls with foreign leaders, that "he replied that we need to go after the reporters," Comey wrote in the memo.
Comey, who also agreed that "about the leaks being terrible," wrote that Trump touched the phone on the desk and said he assumed that the calls made on 'this beautiful phone,' were confidential.
Trump then alluded to a time when "we put them in jail to find out what they know, and it worked," Comey wrote.
"I explained that I was a fan of pursuing leaks aggressively but that going after reporters was trick, for legal reasons and because DOJ tends to approach it conservatively," Comey said in the memo.
According to Comey's recollection, Trump said: "They spend a couple days in jail, make a new friend, and they are ready to talk."
Comey wrote that he "laughed" at the comment.