F-L-I-C-K-S! Commonwealth Games: Is England in Africa?

By Tony Ubani
Mistakes happen. Nobody is above mistakes, we were told very early in life. But in Catechism classes in Roman Catholic, we were also told that the Pope is infallible. It remains arguable to non Catholics who have maintained that no man is infallible except our Lord Jesus. Anyway, that is not the subject of my write-up.
There are very embarrassing gaffes that one is not expected to make. But because they are mistakes, we find ourselves committing the blunders. And these mistakes are not limited to certain quarters or persons.
Take for instance a girl asked; ‘’ Is Nigeria and Super Eagles playing?   This was in the match against Serbia. She did not get an answer but she went ahead to say that she does not believe in the Eagles because Nigeria will beat them. That was after seeing the scoreboard reading Serbia 2 Nigeria 0.
Out here in Gold Coast, Australia, many were dumbfounded when England was listed as an African nation in the official Commonwealth Games program. The embarrassment did not stop there. It went on. England capital was not listed as London but as Banjul according to the glossy 130-page program which also contained an official welcome address by the Queen.
The nation that gave us the Commonwealth and the Games was also said to have a population of two million citizens.   Hmmm! That is a far cry from the actual population of above 66.5 million people. The mistakes went on and on even saying that England’s first Commonwealth was in 1970, when indeed it was in 1930.
And like John C. Maxwell said; ‘’if you want to grow, you need to get over any fear you may have of making mistakes”.Despite the errors, the opening ceremony was spectacular and the facilities provided for the Games are second to none.

Man causes stir as passengers make calls, use phones while flying
The look on his face suggested that he was not at ease. Initially, one thought it was the fear of flying or the expected 14 long hours on the aircraft. The big bird manoeuvred the clouds in amazing fashion while many engaged in friendly banters while business men were busy with their ipads or laptops. Our friend could no longer bear seeing people making calls and endangering our lives as the phones would interfere with the aircraft’s signals as we were usually told during our local flights in Nigeria.
He got up and grabbed the man with his phone and shouted that he should put the phone off. That attracted a lot of attention and the crew immediately came to the rescue. All attempts to explain to him that people were free to use their phones met with his stubborn resistance. It took a long lecture that the only time people were not allowed to use their phones and tablets were during take-off and landing.
Our man grudgingly accepted even though we knew he was not convinced. Hell was now raised when I brought out my phone and nearly choked me. ‘’You too want to join them?”, he asked with a tone that suggested that if he allows the whites to use their phones, he’ll not allow me(common me) to use my phone.

Flowers not recharge cards show love
Hardly can you see 10 people without seeing them clutching their beautiful flowers. The flowers are not restricted to young men and women. The aged are also involved. And there is so much joy in them when they hold flowers. I was told that besides prophesying love, that the flowers are meant for forgiveness, too.
The red flowers especially, I learnt symbolizes love, romance, beauty and perfection. As a Nigerian, I am not used to flowers. My one and only contact with flower was during my wedding. And it remains a big feature to Nigerians only a t weddings. The flowers are thrown backwards for spinsters who push and struggle to grab it. Whoever gets it first, I was told, would be the next in line to get married.
I don’t think so. I had seen in a wedding when a man rebuked his girlfriend for picking the flower thrown at spinsters. The man said that if she likes she can pick a dozen flower as that would not move him into rushing into marriage. Different strokes!   Give a lady flower here and you win her soul.   Give a Nigerian a flower, and she’ll think you have gone gaga. But give her recharge card and you have recharged her spirit and her emotions for love. Now, I know that a flower cannot blossom without sunshine as man cannot live without love. Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.

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