Don’t use your back as crane. It could be a ticking bomb for back pain!

It is unfortunate that most people, out of ignorance or negligence, don’t pay good attention to their back structure. Daily, their backs are frequently subjected, unwittingly, to undue stresses until the back becomes sick and unable to perform its functions.

Humanly speaking, the human back is a large and compact organ that is frequently not being taken care of by many people.  Most people go to hospital for check-ups for other organs. They go to check how their organs, such as the kidneys, the liver, the heart the lungs etc., are functioning.  But there has not been any record of anybody that has been to a health practitioner to check the well-being of his or her back structure, except when the back begins to feel pain and discomfort.

  Many of us frequently engage ourselves in physical exercises to keep fit. Such is good. These may be free exercises, such as cycling. Others may be involved in exercises to develop and build strong muscles   of some part of the body. In my observation and practice as a physiotherapist, I have hardly or scarcely seen exercises performed by people that are directed at strengthening the back muscles. The negligence of the back by many people could be due to its location at the rear. Many people doing mat exercises engage themselves in sit-up exercises for their stomach muscles and a very handful perform push-up exercises, which is less beneficial to the back. Back-strengthening exercises are essential if you must have a pain-free back and a healthy back. Back-strengthening exercises are best prescribed by reputable physiotherapist, who will consider important factors or variables, such as age, size, sex, present biological state/health status etc. Don’t be deceived by your bulky or fleshy back muscles. They may be void of necessary power to perform simple daily activities of lifting load from the floor or rising up from sitting. Lack of power or strength in the back structures could result to a serious catastrophe. This invariably will result to a herniated disc – commonly called slipped disc.

A healthy back would enable you to perform task smartly and timely. A pain-free back would make you enjoy blissful night sleep, perform your conjugal obligation to your spouse without hitches, lift or carry your baby in your hands with ease, do your work in the office effortlessly and even do most domestic chores with less or no complaint!

“I have helter/skater pain all over my body; pain from the neck into my scalp -mimicking ants that is moving up and down my scalp and shoulders down to my fingers, pain at the middle of my back spreading to my sides and pain on my waist moving to the hips down the knee via the thigh muscles. It is really terrible. I have spent almost 30 years doing offshore jobs, which involves a lot body-straining movements, like lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, turning, etc. Little did I know that the effects would be catastrophic on me in my later days?  Now the chicks have come to roost! There is no place I have not been looking for solution to this my intractable pain but to no avail. 

“Many doctors encouraged me to live with it. Some advise me to always stick to my prescribed drugs religiously if I want the pain to give me some breathing space. Thanks be to God that I was introduce to this Omega Physiotherapy & Back Pain Care clinic in Port Harcourt and I got satisfactorily relieved.  I am sincerely grateful to God. I can now sleep, walk distances and do a lot of things without getting tired easily. I was made to understand that Omega Physiotherapy and Back Pain Care clinic has a branch in Kubwa, FCT. When I get to Abuja, I shall continue attending there.”

That was Chief Orlando who flew into Port Harcourt to obtain treatment for his chronic back pain. He had multilevel herniation of the discs, which we dexterously dealt with non-invasively, non-surgically, but physiotherapeutically.    

Don’t ignore the health of your back structures! Don’t use your back as crane to lift undue weights or loads. Be careful what you do with your back, because it is the power-house for the entire body, supporting your trunk and making of the movements of the head, hands and legs possible! As you engage in the daily activities, be conscious of the fact that you must not use the back anyhow but try to preserve and take care of your back so that it will last a life-time!  Always use good body mechanics in everyday activities and enjoy pain-free back. You may visit for more information.

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