Fatima Mohamid Khalil said her husband woke the children up early and when she enquired, he claimed the children’s grandfather was visiting and he needed the youngsters to be present and welcome him
A Nigerian woman who got married to a man from Saudi Arabia and gave birth to three beautiful daughters has lost all the children within some few minutes after her husband bloodily slaughtered them one dawn.
Fatima Mohamid Khalil said her husband woke the children up early and when she enquired, he claimed the children’s grandfather was visiting and he needed the youngsters to be present and welcome him.
The man then took the children to a different room.
She became worried and followed up after some few minutes to ascertain what was going on, and to her surprise, the husband had already killed two of the children.
She said all attempts to restrain the man from murdering the last one did not materialize. The man pushed her out and accomplished his mission.
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The incident happened on Sunday in Al-Rawdah District, Makkah.
Fatima who herself lost her two parents since infancy told the Saudi Gazette that: “This was an unusual act, but when I asked him why, he said that his father was coming to visit and that his three daughters needed to say hello to their grandfather.”
She added: “I was shocked to see my middle daughter Rimaz in his hands soaked in her blood after he had slaughtered her with a knife. I tried to rescue her, but he pushed me away; I fell down. When I got up, he had already slaughtered our eldest and the youngest daughters.”
After the heartless act, Fatima said: “He went out as if nothing had happened. I started crying and neighbours came, but it was too late.”
The distressed mother also disclosed that the man had earlier asked her to go stay with her grandmother for a while, and she did.
She said the children were heard one day crying loudly and “our neighbours heard their cries and informed the police, who came and arrested him, but he was soon released on bail.
“He took me back to his apartment with our daughters the night of the incident. This was just a few hours before he committed his heinous crime.”
Reports say the man might be a drug addict, but it is suspected that he must have committed the act out of frustration.
Fatima said: “He did not pay the rent for three months and was indebted to our grocer by more than SR800.”