Tech: These 3 simple things will reveal if a Rolex is real or fake, according to a watch expert


Business Insider spoke with luxury brand retail owner Joe McKenzie who gave us three tips on what to look out for to avoid buying a fake Rolex watch.

  • We bought a fake Rolex watch online for £50.
  • Watch expert Joe McKenzie told us what look out for when buying a Rolex.
  • He gave us three simple ways you can check if your Rolex is real or not.

Business Insider spoke with Joe McKenzie, CEO & co-founder of luxury retailer Xupes, about how to reveal if a Rolex watch is fake or not.

We bought a fake online for £50 and asked McKenzie to compare our Rolex to an authentic piece.

McKenzie said that looking for serial numbers on the case, checking for the brand logos on the buckle of the watch, and looking if the watch hand is "sweeping" and not "ticking," are the most obvious giveaways if the watch is fake.

Produced by David Ibekwe. Special Thanks to Shona Ghosh

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