Strategy: Men are getting the credit for women's work through something called 'hepeating' — here's what it means

sheryl sandberg

It's the new 'mansplaining.'

  • Many women may be familiar with their own ideas being repeated by men in meetings.
  • It's called "hepeating."
  • Both men and women can adopt some strategies to stop it happening — try them out this International Women's Day.

Many women are probably familiar with their ideas and thoughts at work occasionally being met with blank faces and shrugs.

If you've not only been the victim of this, but have then had a a man step in and repeat what you've just said, there's now a word for it.

It's called "hepeating," and it describes when a man appropriates your comments or ideas and then is praised for them being his own.

The word was recently coined by a friend of astronomer Nicole Gugliucci, whose tweet explaining the term has been retweeted over 67,000 times so far.

For everyday use, Gugliucci suggests "I got hepeated in that meeting again," or, "He totally hepeated me!"

Many women responded saying that this happens to them every day, both at work and in their social lives. Others pointed out that this also highlights a point about racism, as black and minority ethnic (BME) people also have this done to them all the time.

Hepeating is yet another phrase women have come up with to describe the infuriating nature of some workplaces. We already have "mansplaining," which is when a man condescendingly explains something back to you, and "manterrupting," where he literally talks over you.

According to the Washington Post, women have recently come up with a strategy to stop this happening. It's called "amplification," which is when women's key points are listened to and repeated in meetings, giving credit to who came up with the idea. This forces others in the room — both men and women — to remember the contribution and who made it.

So don't let yourself be hepeated — team up with the other women in the room and make your voices heard.

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