The war against corruption is a failed one if the well-meaning government and the concerned masses fail to recorgnise the source of their headache, and heart ache: THE PEN.
There is this popular debate that has gone on for years: it is about the ‘pen’ being mightier than the ‘sword’.
The Controversy
The pen with its spindly leg, a pointed end, ink, and a cork, is often attributed as an excuse in the hands of a weakling. In fact, in Africa and diaspora, the pen is put into little or no use, which it leaves one in doubt of the effect of civilization on man –it puts a big question mark on those that look on themselves as much more civilized than the rest of the world. On the other hand, its counterpart, the sword, has been put in great use, long before the invention of the pen. In other words, it is right to say that war has reigned more, and peace, less. Wars were fought before an agreement was made, after so much damages, or in other events, man disagrees, and as a result, prefer to settle on the battle ground. Man’s ways are noting but folly, isn’t it?
The Reality
Often times, man’s actions and inactions are not judged by proper reasoning, in order words, most times, he acts basically on impulse. There are so many wars which have ravaged the face of the earth, yet, man won’t stand the chance to have his ego bruised at any point in time: he is quick to throw a fist full of dirt, grenade, rocket or jet fighters at his ‘opponent or perceived enemy’; to put him in his place, to oppress, to intimidate or give a clear warning on where he stands on an issue.
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Because of the way man has gone about his ego, there are more ravaged countries or wrecked areas on the face of the earth than paradise. There are tainted images of countries, bloodied hands, guilt that will never go away, conspiracies that were never uncovered, long trial cases, bitterness that will live forever, orphaned children tamed on the streets, and a world that have chosen never to live in peace.
A good illustration is the body, and its different organs and members; one cannot do without the other. There is only one earth (one body) with different members. Man’s mind is ruled, destroyed, and blinded by the feeling of superiority complex, that he overlooks the fact that ‘no man is an Island’. There is this showoff of economic power, war heads, and so much more, but to whose detriment, if not that of the poor masses that pay the cost for these showoffs? The poor masses pay the tax that is manufactured into war heads used to destroy lives and property. If a race is deliberately wiped off the face of the earth, so also, it continues until the earth is left bare, and barren of the ills of man.
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The Almighty Pen in Nigeria
In Nigeria, it is a different ballgame altogether. Nigeria is a good example of a country that deliberately washes her dirty lining in public with great impunity. In Nigeria, the sword is held as the ultimate, while handfuls perform unimaginable miracles with the pen. In this dear nation, there is so much acrimony and agitation that no wonder it bursts out in form of different agitations in the name of terrorist groups; they too believe that the sword would one day bring upon them a long lasting salvation.
On the other hand, there is the existence of jungle justice; a group of concerned citizens who take it upon themselves to pass a quick judgment upon any criminal caught on the streets, when the law is not close by. These groups of people believe that the law is either too slow, not too ‘judgy’ or incompetent to carry out its duties and it leaves one to wonder about the line of their thoughts.
Funnily enough, the poor masses, the so called terrorists, and the honourable members of aggrieved citizens, all seem to miss one important thing: the pen is mightier than the sword. With the pen, there would be less stress, and more direction, more lives would be preserved, bitterness would be rendered due attention, and terrorism would be a thing of past. It only takes a matter of years for the pen to accomplish a goal without much skin pain. It seems that everyone’s attention is focused on the wrong set of people.
The pen in Nigeria has done her citizens more harm than good. Nigeria is recognised as one of the most corrupt nations in the world, not because of the height at which the pen leaves tons of money in the house of political office holders, in their bank accounts (local and international), and in their lineage. The pen can also tell a lie.
Money they say is the source of all evil, but it is a strong hold for most political office holders, and aspirants. One should ask these questions: did the money transports itself to them or was it signed through the use of almighty pen? People are busy killing themselves over nothing, because they are either ignorant of the truth or have blatantly refused to acknowledge the truth when it stares then naked in the face. The war is worthless when one has no economic power to back it up, the terrorists need to be schooled on the importance of economic power, and the masses ought to know where they should direct their million twits and re-twits. There is no cause without a vision.
Imagine stripping a political office holder the right to economic power, nobody would contest for that position, because the aim is defeated. Imagine stripping an armed rubber of his gun, and hand him a pen, he would throw it at you, because the tool is worthless to him. The future of the Nigerian child has been put at risk for years. The right to good education, proper and up-to-date medical facilities, sustainable infrastructures, are denied the poor masses, because a handful of people have decided to empty her (Nigeria’s) hard earned treasure in their own personal bank account.
Is their action not more criminal than terrorism, armed robbery, ritual killing, kidnapping, and much more? It is a pity that the justice system and the federal government haven’t done much to safeguard the lives and future of its citizens, from these criminals that hide as political officers. Yes, in this case, one can settle to say that the pen is more deadly than the sword.
Written by Udemezue, Oluoma
Udemezue, Oluoma loves to read and write. You can catch her on udemezueoluoma@yahoo.com, udemezue, Oluoma Judith –Facebook, oluomaudemezue on Instagram, and @Udemezueoluoma on Twitter.