The Easter period, in my opinion is a good time to talk about betrayal and how the betrayed can deal with it.
Betrayal is the act of treacherously abandoning, deserting or mistreating a person or a group of people.
In the “works of Shakespeare”, Macbeth, Othello and Julius Caesar, depict various sides of betrayal. ``Caesar’s closest friend, Brutus, towards whom he stumbled, after being stabbed by each assassin, underpins the story about Julius Caesar’s betrayal. He stumbled towards his friend for support, for protection, but, Brutus stabbed him and Caesar exclaimed “ Et tu Brute”? I try to imagine the scenario, Julius must have had a moment of disbelief, how could this happen? Honestly it is not betrayal unless it is by someone close to the heart.
Judas Iscariot.
Judas had been a disciple of Jesus for three years. This means that he was with him from the beginning of his ministry, to the very end. He saw all the miracles. Abi wasn’t Judas there when Lazarus was raised from the dead? Was he there when 5000 men, asides women and children (and we all know that there is the possibility that more women attended the sermon; is that not what still holds till date?) were fed from two loaves and five fishes?
Was he not one of the people that participated in gathering 12 baskets of leftovers? How about when he fed the 4000? Mark 8:8 say the disciples picked up 7 baskets of left over food, Judas must have been there too.
This life sha ! The dude chose to betray his master for some money. Okay, enough Judas Iscariot. Lets talk about the Judas that you know.
Our Judas.
Imagine this: he has been your driver for 30 years, he was there from the time you shared an office with six other people to the time that you now have your own office, as the boss. Razaki was not only kola’s driver, he was also his “ally’; unofficial PA. He knew where kola will eat and not eat, his friends and even his enemies. He went to the bank to deposit and withdraw, he even knew his ATM cards pin numbers.
Razaki knew “Oga mii” very well.
They were close; whenever things were not going smoothly at work, financially or even in his relationships, Razaki knew where to go; what to do.
He had “Pastor” and Alufa Otisese’s(it is sorted) phone numbers . And he seemed to know who to call and what for. Kola was totally dependent on Razaki. When he was ready to get married Razaki was the common denominator between kola and funke.
After 5 years of “fruitlessness”, Razaki called Kola aside and offered to help. He knew one baba that has magical powers and he was sure that funke would get pregnant soon enough. Kola was hesitant, “ if it’s not a Christian or Muslim cleric, Razaki, I don’t want witchcraft o”. Razaki kept at it until kola became convinced.
They went together to see “baba Isale l”ori oke (Baba Isale on the hill top). To convince funke to go on with baba’s plan was as easy as ABC. She was ready to do anything at all; typically and as most women in that situation , she wanted a child by all means.
Funke was to spend a week with baba at the hilltop where she was to perform some rites; you know how it is, almost like one is watching African magic Yoruba movie!
Soon enough, kikelomo was born. Funke had four children and had to perform those rites, all four times, kola never asked why, he didn’t want to know, because he was not only the member of a large denomination, you see, he was a well respected Layman. So as far as he was concerned the lesser he knew the better. Funke had Kike, then Ade, followed by Temi and Tolu, non-identical twins. They went to a prestigious secondary school here in Nigeria before moving abroad for their graduate studies.
The twins were schooling in Canada, when Tolu began to fall ill, his kidneys packed up and he was in dire need of a transplant. Funke had to go and be with them and Kola insisted on going as well.
Temi , his twin, was no Match. Kola wanted to be tested as well, he was not only willing to give his kidneys, he will give his liver if he had to! The doctor was not willing to support this crazy idea of his but in other to calm him down, he decided to take samples. Kola asked for other tests, genotype, phenotype, liver function and of course, kidney function tests..
When the results came out, Kola was not a Match. But that wasn’t all….. From the blood test results, he wasn’t the father either!
Auntybspeaks.com gud to talk
Bo Adesoye is a Pharmacist turned Children’s Counselor and Educationist. She writes blogs on “issues of concern “ and runs the Auntyb Facebook page and a website auntybspeaks.com