Guys, emotionally manipulative women are toxic and bad for your mental health. Here is how to deal with them.
The housemates that have grabbed the headlines in this year's Big Brother Naija are Tobi and Cee C.
Tobi is the chiselled Yoruba (demon?) guy and Cee C, the vixen have been involved in a roller coaster relationship of sorts since the early days of the reality show. It has been a power play between these two.
In the beginning, Tobi begged and pleaded for Cee C's attention. He left all of his pride and ego on the floor just to be with this woman. Cee C played her role like a pro, encouraging, ignoring and scolding Tobi at the right moments. Cee C had Tobi eating from her hands. It was an embarrassing thing to watch.
Tobi has since flipped the script and has given Cee C a dose of her medicine. A lot has been said about the relationship between these two but let me add my thoughts to it. What I want to focus on is the danger of dealing with emotionally manipulative women.
Not all guys are like Tobi who know when to blow hot and cold at the right time. Many men are clueless on how to deal with women who are experts at emotional manipulation.
ALSO READ: Cee C's sister says Tobi is stupid
An emotional manipulator is someone who "plays on your good intentions, insecurities, vulnerabilities and weaknesses in order to get what they want" according to James Worthington of The Fusion Model. Does this definition remind you of anyone in the house?
There are women out there who are experts at manipulation. They know when a guy desires them and they prey on that weakness to boost their self-worth. They are mistresses of seduction who have their victims on a leash. Men waste their time and resources on these women who feed on their lack of self-esteem.
There are lots of men caught up in this struggle relationships. They wait months, years for the 'green light', but it never comes. And when they threaten to leave, they get sucked back in.
Ever heard of a guy who has been on a woman's case for 2 years or more? I'm sure you have. More often than not, the woman in this scenario is an emotional manipulator giving mixed signals to her 'mugu' to have hope. But hope is a funny emotion, it deceives people who do not have the guts to stand up and walk away.
Not many guys have Tobi's skill set to deal with Cee C, and believe me, Tobi, too is an emotional manipulator. He understands the dark arts just like Cee C, that is why they are at it all the time.
Please if you do not have what it takes to handle an emotionally manipulative woman, the best thing is to walk away with your ego and pride. You live to fight another day.
ALSO READ: Cee C threatens to report Tobi to Big Brother
There is nothing noble in 'chasing a woman' for months on end. That type of love belongs in Hollywood movies and not in the real world. Once you notice she is giving mixed signals walk away. Trust me when I say indecision is a decision.
Emotionally manipulative women are a waste of time. It's a no-win situation. Even if she agrees to be in a relationship with you, it's going to be nothing but hell. The mind games will be worse in a relationship.
The best way to deal with emotionally manipulative women is too steer clear of them. Women who play games are trouble. They are best left for emotionally manipulative men, just like Cee C and Tobi.