Morning Consult recently released their monthly approval ratings for President Donald Trump in each of the 50 states and DC for February.
- Polling firm Morning Consult releases monthly approval and disapproval ratings for President Donald Trump in each state and DC.
- In February 2018, Trump's net approval rating was lower in every state than it was when he took office in January 2017.
A little over a year since taking office, President Donald Trump has gotten less popular in each of the 50 US states and Washington, DC.
Polling firm Morning Consult releases monthly approval ratings for Trump from each state. In January 2017, the month Trump was sworn in to office, he was broadly popular across a wide geographic area. Trump had a negative net approval rating — the difference in the share of the population approving of his performance minus the percentage disapproving — in only six states and Washington, DC.
Unsurprisingly, some of Trump's highest approval ratings came from stalwart Republican states in the interior of the country and the Southeast, while his lowest net approval came from liberal bastions on the West Coast and Northeast, along with the crucial upper Midwestern swing states.
But by February 2018, after a chaotic first year in office, Trump's ratings had fallen across the board. Net approval was lower in every state and DC from January 2017, with more residents disapproving than approving of the president in 25 states and DC.
A broadly similar geographic pattern held as a year before. Trump remains popular in deep South states like Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and his highest net approval of +32% came from the reliably red state of Wyoming. Meanwhile, more liberal states became even less forgiving of the president, with a net approval of -22% in New York, -27% in California, -33% in Hawaii, and an astonishing -66% in Washington, DC.
Notably, by February 2018, Trump's net approval was underwater in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, the three swing states the president won by a razor-thin margin to put him over the top in the Electoral College during the 2016 election.