Amsterdam, Nestpick's 2017 best city for millennials, was knocked off the top spot this year.
Photo by Justin Main on Unsplash
- Nestpick ranked 110 cities on 17 factors that it considers important to millennials.
- These included immigration tolerance, gender equality, whether or not its LGBTQ+ friendly, the state of the startup scene, in addition to its nightlife and festival status.
- Amsterdam, 2017's best city for under 30s, was knocked off the top spot this year.
These days most millennials will consider a broad range of factors when considering a city to reside in, including living costs, how liberal a city is, the employment opportunities, as well as more fun aspects, such as what the nightlife's like.
Recognising this, apartment hunting website Nestpick analysed 110 cities, taking four main concerns into consideration: Is there work available? Can you afford to live a good life? Is the city open and tolerant? And finally, can you have fun?
In its ranking, the company assigned a score for each city based on 17 "micro factors," including its immigration tolerance, gender equality, whether or not its LGBTQ+ friendly, the state of the startup scene, as well as its beer and festival ranking.
Amsterdam took the top spot in Nestpick's 2017 ranking, but this year it crowned a new best city for millennials, so keep scrolling for the 13 cities where under 30s want to live most right now.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider