Here are the tweets and memes that tell you almost everything about life at the Federal University of Technology, Akure, (FUTA)
Student life in Nigerian Universities has its peculiarities and every Nigerian student surely has funny stories to tell about their institutions.
We really don't need to go to these universities to understand what being a student in some schools means, because the students and graduates of these schools are already serving us the gist on Twitter.
It's believed that the Federal University of Technology, Akure, FUTA is one of the best University of technology in Nigeria. You might not know much about this university, but #Lifeofafutarian tells us some funny things about the students and lecturers of the school.
1. When there is mass carryover in a course
You know students react to carryovers differently and this happens in all schools, but when mass carryovers become a tradition, you'll only see some students laughing it off.
2. And when a student give testimony in church because he passed an exam
Going to church to give testimony after passing the test or exam you were literally expecting a carryover is popular culture among FUTA students. That's why the testimony is done with so much energy.
3. How some lecturers like to surprise their students.
Missing a test could get you frustrated. This is FUTA, when your fellow students say a lecturer is not coming to conduct test again, don't believe them wait till you are certain the lecturer is not coming again.
4. There is a certain Prof Alese no student can mess with
We get to know about one certain Prof Alese, you can't just mess around him. Prof Alese from the tweets must be a no non-sense lecturer. Do you know Prof Alese?
5. The plight of students who forget to bring their ID card to exam hall
The moment this happens to a student, carryover is already staring at such student because no matter how good you are at pleading, if you don't have your ID card, there is no exam for you.
6 And how FUTA students get bombarded with handouts before exam
When you have too many handouts to read for a course, and you hear of another set of handouts to read for the same course few minutes to exam. That is life in FUTA for you.
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7. When your exam effort and the result do not look alike
And after going through night classes, study groups, tutorials and cram sessions to make sure you pass, the exam result came out and it looks like you've only gathered EFCC.
8. Students election campaign also have slogans and reactions
The popular slogan in FUTA among student-politician is THIS IS THE VOICE OF YOUR BOY....but hey, not every student is interested in this line again campus politicians.
9. The life saving foods in FUTA featured in the #Lifeofafutarian
So, FUTA has a bakery and sachet water factory, now you should know that FUTA is more than a university of technology.
10. Students off campus and the Nigeria electricity issue
Away from the campus, students living off campus are not enjoying consistent power supply like those on campus and this is understandable because this is Nigeria.
11. How student commits their exam in the hand of the Lord
Yea, exam is coming and everyone just have to go to the Lord to ask for better understanding and assimilation to pass the exam. It's a spiritual something.
12. How a difficult exam could make you confess your sin
This is FUTA don't forget and your exam is like a trial. When you see some exam questions, you'll think God is angry at you or trying to punish you for some sins you can't remember.
13. Something about FUTA boys
To tell you how cordial the relationship between FUTA guys and starch is, someone said some students also starch their boxers (underpant) Ask a FUTA guy.
14. How the student of the university address themselves.
You know, it is university of technology and it is expected to produce engineering graduates. So, at FUTA every student sees him/herself as an engineer.
15. You can't but feel like this after graduation
After going through the endless academic rigour designed to shape your future in the university, you can't but feel so happy after graduation.