Frustration of the power of darkness

By Pastor Okokon Ating

The material, financial, economic and societal status of the marriage. There is a popular adage which says, “Experience is the best teacher”. When I got marri-ed, I saw very strange thin-gs happening in my marital life.

The doors of many things became locked up against me and my newly wedded wife. The first exp-erience I had was the door of finances which was clo-sed. I struggled for a deca-de to make sure that I have finances to maintain our newly found home, all to no avail.

Because the door of fin-ances was closed, all other doors could not be easy to open. Economically, I beca-me handicapped. We went through series and several areas of work just to make life easy. Things were still tough with us.

One day, we resorted to prayers. We embarked on several days of prayers and fasting, seeking to know why life suddenly became unbear-able. We discovered that from the day we got marr-ied, the same people, who at the beginning objected to our being together, carried us to voodoo meeting to pass a reso-lution that, since we  marr-ied against their wish, the only thing that can sepa-rate us is to make us wret-ched in life.

This was to be done by cutting from us the sour-ce of income which could have assisted us in our early marriage. Indeed, we got involved in several trades like farming and civil service work, yet it was as if we were putting them into a hole or basket. Sometimes in our marital life, we noticed there will be a voice silently telling us: “if it were to be in the village we would have di-vorced each other before now.”

It was then that our eyes became open to see and know what was going on around us which stirred us up to pray to deliver our-selves and the marriage from the hands of the wicked people. Couples who are not prayerfully oriented would at this point in time begin to fight themselves and nick-name each other as a witch or a wizard, Ogbanje who des-troys finance and wealth of the family. Marriage is a divine institution and co-uples need to pray oft-en.

Many husbands at this time do divorce their wives without any delay. They will accuse the wo-men of being the architect of their misfortune. This is the kind of challenge that breeds frustration caused by Satan through his agents in order to destroy marriages.

It may not be easy for a couple to identify the above facts except they carefully consent to pray for solution. Sometimes some couples may attri-bute the frustration to both parents as being the cause of their challenges, I will therefore, encourage every married couple to:

  1. Keep afresh their first love for each other, once such challenge arises. Keep watch through the the word of God
  2. Resolve to give them-selves to prayers without ceasing
  3. Consult a man of God who can assist them dia-gnose what and where the challenge comes from
  4. Maintain their integrity in the Lord God, knowing too well that He will bring to an end all satanic cha-llenges in their marital lives.
  5. Press on and encour-age themselves by positi-vely confessing always that it shall be well.

Economically, the road to acquiring material wealth was blocked. Our status was too poor among people. Then peo-ple saw us as the most wretched human beings, today, we are victors. We are more than conquerors through God who loves us. Do not quit but stand strong and you will win as we won. The kingdom of darkness knows too well that once the source of your financial empower-ment is cut off, the mar-riage flavor will be deter-iorating.

Material wealth and finance help the family to plan for future growth and the prosperity of the generation coming ahead. When there is money, the family should invest in the education of the children which is one of the ways to empower as many gen-erations as possible. With money in the family, cou-ples can quickly empower themselves with mobility. Indeed, the basic needs of life hang on the finan-cial strength of a family.

Therefore, couples who want to survive and make great exploit, should end-eavor to quickly know why Satan strikes against them being a united family.

*For enquiries contact: Apostolic Church, 3, Tree Power Avenue, Itire, Lag-os. Or call: Pastor Okokon Ating on:

08054121355, 08179072635

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