Guests would be thrilled to see a reenactment of the Aba Women's Riot live on stage at the Muson Center.
As the Lagos Theatre Festival continues, producer, Chioma Onyenwe, will stage her debut play, "August Meeting" featuring veteran actress, Gloria Young.
Guests would be thrilled to see a reenactment of the Aba Women's Riot live on stage from Friday, March 2, 2018 - March 3, 2018, at the MUSON Centre, Lagos.
About The Play
The cast made up of seasoned actress Gloria Anozie, singer Ego Ogbaro, Ijeoma Aniebo, Inna Erizia, Odera Orji and Deola Gimbiya in an interview with Pulse say, the Aba's women riot is not just about Aba women but every woman in Nigeria and Africa.
"The beauty about the play is that it touches on everything that affects the woman but in a very light and nice way and men should also come and watch it to learn how this thing affects women," Gloria Young says. "You are going to see sisterhood on stage," she continues.
The play projects the idea that feminism has always been in Nigeria and is rooted in the people’s history. According to Onyenwe, there are women who stood for what was right and fought together for equality.
The play is the aftermath of the Aba women’s riot. The women of Oloko, fresh from participating in the protest, have come back home to build on the success of it. This time, the battle is not against the white man but against their husbands and the laws they have created to keep the women under lock and key.
But fighting the devil you know is not as easy as it seems.
Lagos Theatre Festival
The Lagos Theatre Festival, running between February 27 and March 4, will showcase some 100 plays, theatre workshops and more.