I'm addicted to her and I'm scared of losing her.
Dear Bukky,
I'm in a relationship and I'm scared of losing my partner. Why? Because her closeness to guys is too much.
Almost all her friends are guys. I know she loves me but I can't just stand it whenever she talks to those guys.
I told her to stop talking to some set of people and she actually stopped talking to them. Even her male best friend was cut off. With this, do you agree with me that she truly loves me?
She made a statement sometime back that I'm craving too much attention that she is not used to it because in her past relationships, the guys did not give her so much attention as I do.
With this also, do you agree with me that she truly loves me?
She also made a statement that she does not want to lose me and that she can't stand it whenever she sees me crying. I’m an emotional guy and I cry whenever I feel hurt.
For example, whenever she gets her mood swings and refuses to speak to me, I feel hurt. Actually, we quarrel almost every day.
I want you to advise me on the steps to take because I'm addicted to her and I'm scared of losing her.
Dear reader,
From all indications, you’ll need to take a very big chill pill and learn to cut your girl some slack.
While relationships bind two people together, it still gives room to be individuals and to enjoy activities and remain part of previous relationships.
Asking your babe to stop speaking with people, even her closest friends isn’t too good. That’s actually you being needy.
I understand the fear of losing her but tightly holding onto her could actually result in her seeking permanent freedom from you.
All you need is a little bit of trust. And a realization that what will be will be. You can only do your best and hope that life responds with the best.
Tone down on the neediness. Being her boyfriend does not mean she can not have other male friends or have private moments.
Learn to hold on just cautiously enough - so as not to hinder her independence and at the same time be careful enough to not be guilty of carelessness.
Do you want to talk about your love life, marriage or family issues?
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