In recent time, Nigeria is one of the most highlighted destinations for semi-skilled foreigners seeking employment opportunities across the world.
The Nigerian government has issued an executive order which prohibits granting of a visa to foreigners coming to Nigeria to do jobs the citizens can do.
According to reports, the directive titled: Executive Order 5, was signed by President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday, February 5, 2018, in Abuja.
The new order is aimed at improving local content in public procurement as regards science, engineering and technology components.
The president explained the rationale behind the new order while noting that it is meant to improve the deployment of indigenous science, engineering and technology in the country's development.
“By this Order, in accordance with the authority vested in me by the Constitution, all procuring authorities shall give preference to Nigerian companies and firms in the award of contracts, in line with the Public Procurement Act of 2007."
“The Executive Order also prohibits the Ministry of Interior from giving visas to foreign workers whose skills are readily available in Nigeria.”
“It, however, notes that where expertise is lacking, procuring entities will give preference to foreign companies and firms with a demonstrable and verifiable plan for indigenous development, prior to the award of such contracts.”
Many foreign companies in Nigeria, especially those of Asian origin, usually employ their nationals as expatriates for a position that can be filled by Nigerians.
In some cases, members of the management team of these companies are usually are expatriates. This practice has been protested against by organised labour bodies in the country but little results have been achieved so far.
Hence, it is believed that this Executive Order would go a long way in ameliorating the situation if implemented.