We judge by what we see. Time surely heals but love catches you unaware and makes a fool out of you.
It was never love at first sight, it was never love at all. Love has been too wicked and unlucky in my area.
I programmed everything out, the last break up was a mess I wish never started. I decided to shut the windows and doors to my heart. I should be called wicked, I don’t care.
My heart overruling my mind.
Tears rolled down my eyes at the realization that I had fallen in love at a point I promised myself no more love for now, I needed a good break. What a mess this is ! I kept my distance, never stayed same place with him for a long time, never kept an eye contact but he always looked same time I did and our eyes always locked together then he will always smile at me and I could never resist smiling back even though, I have just been caught staring. I kept on moving away but he kept moving closer.
Things began to unfold, we exchanged numbers. Hellos and HI’s began to pour out from every corner then I listened to John Legends’ “Love Me Now” for the first time and I couldn’t resist it any longer. I decided to let fate take its place.
More than just a friend.
He became more than just a friend, he became my muse. I will be ready to go on any long journey with him. He became everything. I decided to let him take me through this journey of love. Let love heal every wound that has been left opened but I hope he doesn’t create one someday.
Mr E has not been the perfect friend in this journey of discovering love, there were times we fight (not physical) and I couldn’t sleep nor breathe, it was as if he took every air around. It has never been like this. This is a new kinda love for me but, it has hurt me the most.
I still wish, it never started and walking away right now is difficult. I’m proud to have met him in my journey of self discovery, he makes loving me so easy (laughing) this difficult me. I know I just want to be better every time. Listening to Simi’s “Complete Me”, I will just have to love him till the end. I’m so eager to write about him, talk about him but, I will have to take it slow and watch what direction its gonna lead us towards.
Written by Faith Otu.
Faith Otu is a graduate of Mass Communication. She is a writer and she loves to share/express her feelings, experiences, ideas and more through writing.
You can follow her to share your views on her articles: Instagram: @ms_aijoh Facebook: Faith Otu
Twitter: @pweetyaijohi Blog: goofyshortgirl.wordpress.com