The portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama, unveiled this month at the National Portrait Gallery, drew strong, passionate responses from readers of The New York Times. Some said that the portraits, by Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald, did not represent the couple’s spirit. Others said that the unconventional approach was entirely appropriate given the Obamas’ place in history.
Here are some of the responses collected from the comment section of The Times and Facebook. They have been edited for length and clarity.
— ‘The images are powerful.’
To me, they are period icons, and it remains to be seen if they are documents of a fleeting moment or a new century. The millefleurs tapestry approach by Kehinde Wiley reflects the all-encompassing symbolism of a new American tapestry. The Sherald portrait is elegant, combining the portrait of a sitter and the beautiful dress itself as a frame. Personally, I think these are beautiful portraits. Congratulations to both artists. — SAVANNAH
Loved them. As a Chicana born, raised and educated in California, and having visited most of the “great” museums throughout Europe, I find these extraordinary. A refreshing non-European prism is deeply familiar, inviting, refreshing and appreciated. — ROSA MONTES GOLDBERG
The images are powerful: Michelle, a dark and lovely (woman), comes alive. She is powerful and glamorous, soft and striking. Passionate and peaceful. A woman of grace. Intelligent and observing. Barack, making no apologies. King had the dream. Barack is living the dream. — TAI YVONNE
This drastically new portraiture complements the kind of president that Obama was. Being the first black president in history, he represents a positive change. Some may even see it as a turning point in American history. And this portrait captures this wonderfully. But it does more than that by showing Obama as being troubled by something. Given a president’s job, there could be many things that would be troubling him. And this allows me to empathize with him in a way that it’s difficult to do with most other portraits. With the sharp contrast of light and dark colors and the expressive rendition of the president, this portrait is one of a kind. — CARSTEN
— ‘Here is the first black president … and he’s sitting in the bushes.’
I get the symbolism of the flowers in Barack’s portrait, but the busy prints take attention from the subject. It’s the opposite of what a portrait is supposed to do. — BELLE CHRISTIAN
I think the paintings are interesting and I like them as thoughtful pieces in and of themselves. But I think that context is important to consider. Here is the first black president, an excellent human being and dignified leader, and he’s sitting in the bushes. I definitely want something that shows his poise, integrity and valor. I think something more stately would be more ennobling. — JOSE MORENO
For whatever reason, I was taken aback when I first saw President Obama’s portrait with the floral background. The more I look at it, the more I love it. However, I have to agree with those who say that Michelle’s doesn’t closely resemble her, but does it have to do so. The overall sense of the picture is of peace, elegance and intellect. — JENNIE VINSON HLAVACEK
Art definition: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. I love the background of President Obama’s painting because for me it depicts his love of the earth and his love of all living things. — JUDITH SALYER
It’s ‘all about the dress.’
The portrait of Michelle appears to be all about the dress. Mrs. Obama, with her caring, strength and true inner beauty, is not there. The picture doesn’t succeed at all with me. — DEB HARTOGENSIS GODDEN
Mrs. Obama brought such a focused, high-energy presence to the White House and to her role. This portrait seems to portray some kind of dreamy cartoony character. Not only doesn’t it resemble her physically, it doesn’t seem to capture her spirit. Plus, especially since she has such beautiful skin, I hate that her skin tone is literally gray. — MARIANNE
Mr. Obama’s is the more successful for me. His warmth comes through the stern expression. Mrs. Obama’s is magnificent for the dress and elegant, but entirely misses the mark facially for me. Her immense beauty is hidden in a cold palette and grim countenance. Rarely was she seen unsmiling — but this is how future generations will see her. — PATRICK MERCIER
Although I love the painting of Michelle, I don’t think it captures her spirit. It’s a fashion statement, and I don’t think that’s what she was all about. I do not like the painting of Barack. Again, it’s certainly well done, but just not honoring his image and his legacy. — JUDITH SPINDEL BRIGGS
‘They push us to think more.’
I love them. They are bold and showcase innovative and brilliant American artists. One legacy of the Obamas is that they push us to think more, see more and learn more. These portraits do that. — SALLY DRAKE
I think both portraits are fantastic. I love that they both chose black artists for this. I definitely would have felt a way if they hadn’t. — ANGELA KIRKLAND
Wasn’t that the purpose, as it usually is with all art? Just the fact that we keep discussing the paintings in so many different threads, on so many different levels, proves their value. Those paintings try to relay more than just a beautiful mirror image of the Obamas. They carry a symbolism of how the artists perceived their personalities and statue. As such, I like them. — BRITTA GLAPPA VON KANNEN
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.