You need to make sure your debt does not get out of control. To do this you need put effort into paying off all your debt.
Most people have debts they have to pay or manage.
No matter how little your debt is, you need to manage it, till you are done paying your debt.
You need to make sure your debt does not get out of control. To do this you need put effort into paying off all your debt.
Here is how to manage your debt
1. Know who and how much you owe
It is very important to know how much you owe. Create a list of all the debt you have not settled, including the amount.
This is the first step to managing and settling your debt. Knowing how much you owe will help you stay aware of all the debt you have unpaid.
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Check your debt list occasionally to know what debt you have left to pay.
2. Pay your bills on time each month
Another way to manage your debt well is to pay your bills on time each month. Late payments make it more difficult to pay off debt.
Debts are accumulated when you refuse to pay or you do not pay quickly.
You should not wait until the deadline for a payment to be due before you pay your debt.
Create a calendaring system on your smart phone or computer which would alert you when your payment is due.
3. Prioritize your debts
To manage your debt well, you need to prioritize which is more important on the list to pay.
Use your debt list to prioritize and rank your debts in the order of importance and how you want to pay them off.
You can also choose to pay off the debt with the lowest balance first.
4. Use a monthly budget to plan your expenses
Keeping a budget helps ensure you have enough money to cover your monthly expenses.
Plan far enough in advance and you can take early action if it looks like you won't have enough money for your bills this month or next.
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A budget also helps you plan to spend any extra money you have left after expenses are covered. You can use this extra money to pay off debt faster.
5. Stay out of debt
When you are sure you have settled all unpaid debt, the next thing to do is to stay out of debt totally.
This would be possible by working and sticking to a budget plan afterwards.