A group of women comforted a mother and her child after they became upset at Los Angeles International Airport.
- A February 2 Facebook post described a remarkable moment at Los Angeles International Airport.
- A pregnant woman was attempting to board a flight with her child, but the child became upset and refused to board the plane.
- "Six or seven" women approached and began to comfort the mother and child, who eventually were able to board their flight, according to the Facebook post.
Traveling with a child isn't easy, let alone a child who's upset. A February 2 Facebook post that has been shared over 15,000 times described a remarkable moment at Los Angeles International Airport, where a group of women comforted a pregnant mother and her upset child.
According to Beth Bornstein Dunnington, who shared the post on Facebook, a pregnant woman was attempting to board a flight with her child, but the child became upset and refused to board the plane.
"A toddler who looked to be eighteen or so months old was having a total meltdown, running between the seats, kicking and screaming, then lying on the ground, refusing to board the plane," Dunnington wrote.
After unsuccessfully attempting to pick up her child, the woman sat on the floor and began to cry, before "six or seven" women approached the two and comforted them.
"I sang 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider' to the little boy ... one woman had an orange that she peeled, one woman had a little toy in her bag that she let the toddler play with, another woman gave the mom a bottle of water. Someone else helped the mom get the kid's sippy cup out of her bag and give it to him," Dunnington wrote.
According to Dunnington, none of the women knew each other before helping the mother and her child, but they were able to calm both of them enough to allow them to board their flight.
"We were strangers, gathering to solve something," Dunnington wrote. "I will never forget that moment."