Will the presence of a sex doll cause problems in a relationship? Should it?
Of course, sex dolls are causing a bit of a stir at the moment, with conversations surrounding Shakira, a hyper-realistic and erotic doll recently created by American company, Sexy Real Sex Dolls, aka SRSD.
Shakira the doll has a changeable face, thick thighs; huge, firm boobs, and a really big butt. It sells for $2,289 - that’s 800K or thereabouts!
Social media has been filled with comments from boyfriends excitedly hailing the arrival of the doll, pointing out that having one of these artificial creatures would free them from the stress they’ve had to put up with, with girlfriends and partners.
Of course babes have been quick to point out, too, that if guys ever hope to replace them, they would need to find better substitutes than sex dolls.
A doll can’t cook, and can’t wash, they say in their defense.
Is it cheating if a boyfriend has sex with a doll?
So let’s try an alternate reality. What if guys do not leave their babes for sex dolls, deciding instead to have both - a real girlfriend and an artificial girlfriend?
Crazy, right?
But how feasible is that?
“It’s cheating, plain and simple,” says NT, a Lagos big girl.
A sex doll is a full woman with an intelligence of sorts, she says.
Sex dolls and Dildos
“If women say having a sex doll is cheating and cannot be permitted for guys, why should women continue having dildos?” asks AJ, a content creator at Pulse.
And he has a point. The end goal of a dildo and sex doll is to create some sort of sexual release for men and women, often without the involvement of their human partners.
Same logic goes for masturbation, another contentious issue when it comes to partners and their sexual behaviours in relationships/marriages.
NT stands on the argument that sex dolls like Solana, another hyper-realistic sex robot, are inherently and structurally designed to be different and superior to dildos.
“A dildo is just a… dildo,” she says. “A doll on the other hand is formed and built to not only look like a woman, but also implanted with artificial intelligence.
“It’s configured to speak and have ‘emotions’. The difference is absolutely clear. I don’t think you can have a girlfriend and a sex doll at the same time. It’s cheating, plain and simple,” she reiterates.
Having a sex doll is not cheating if...
Provided that partners have an agreement and have no qualms with it, nothing is wrong with a boyfriend owning a sex toy.
As a matter of fact, only two people own a relationship and the ship is theirs to steer as they please; the wave theirs to ride as roughly or gently as they deem fit.
Individual sexual behavior is a mystery that needs not be unraveled to anyone except one’s partner.
See, we can’t rule out the existence of relationships where masturbation is not wrong; others wherein partners view pornography together; and there are men who purchase all types of sex toys for their partners in the hope of boosting and making their sex life more fun.
Whether or not sex toy is a cheating will therefore be a function of sexual relationships and the people involved in it, regardless of what society says or thinks.
So the only person who gets to say no to sex dolls is a man’s girlfriend or wife. If she is cool with it and permits it… hey, let people flourish.