Considering the way people are being butchered in the name of religion these days, its time majority stood on the same page advocating #WorldPeace.
Personally I have been thinking how killing another because we share different views on religion can be justified by the ONE who created ALL.
I don’t believe God himself will crown me for killing or detesting another being that practices another religion believed to be connected to God of All.
In Nigeria for instance, we have been gifted with two major different {or almost the same} scriptures to guide us, lead us and not astray. These books believed to contain the statutes of God, His tenets, they also showed how the people of old lived, all these in order to guide and definitely not make us RELIGIOUS FANATICS.
The dangers of religious fanaticism are lethal, we ought to realize that we were not given religion to kill us, rather to build us and help us live better lives.
How then did we come to where we are? The spot of competition? The spot where some feel they are better and serve God better than the other sects? I guess that is the reason for condemnation in our minds, as FANATICS, we are confident on where the eternal home of those who belong to the other religion would be (hell).
Being fanatics has made us the JUDGE OF ALL, isn't that the reason why we justify ourselves for killing others even where physical killings is not employed, somehow we feel in our minds that we are better, we feel we know God`s way more than the others, we believe we are more righteous than they are simply because they do not serve or worship God our way. In the first instance, how sure am I that my way of worship is the best?
Looking at it from another angle, if religion was enough, why do both major religion in our country both talk about living just, holiness and righteous living? If religion was to be the gateway to God, then there should not be teachings on how we live our lives, it then should be either we practice RELIGION or face PERIL!
The truth
But No, religion is not a way to Paradise or Aljanah, rather how we live is; how much we positively touch lives with pure love…………..this is the way to God`s heart.
Loving other beings he created, not hating or killing them and self justifying it. We ought to love others, not because it’s convenient, not because they practice the same religion as ours, but because we all are humans, after all that IS WHAT WE ALL WERE BEFORE we opened our eyes to choose religion.
Written by Bukolami Ajayi
Bukolami Ajayi is an Administrator, a Pedagogue, A Writer and a committed advocate to Mental Health in all its phases. Follow her on IG page http://ift.tt/2CXCyeS and on Twitter @bukkiesteph