Don't be like Ayoola and fall into the trap of letting those precious few days slip away.
Travelling can become so complicated when you have a day job.
Living an eight to five life can stress the life out of you and kill any little motivation you have left.
ALSO READ: 5 ways to make an adventurous travel bucket list
Don't be like Ayoola and fall into the trap of letting those precious few days slip away; instead, break the cycle and get out there.
Traveling while still holding down a standard 8to5 isn't as hard as you think.
1. Think Small
Start with little trips close to home. Sometimes all you need is a short trip to quench your thirst for wanderlust.
Try out state parks instead of national parks, go to a neighbouring country by road.
2. Go on day trips
Try a day trip instead. You'll get out in nature, hopefully, explore something new and still be home in time for dinner.
3. Travel with friends
Bringing friends along can ease the burden and expense of travel. Other people can bring new ideas for trips and different outlooks on how to travel. Having an extra person or two to drive and split the cost of gas is always a big help too.
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4. Take advantage of public holidays
Holidays offer most of us an extra day off from work. Take this time to drive to that location that you've always wanted to go to that just seems a bit too far for a standard weekend.
5. Combine locations
Combining locations that are close to each other is a good way to make the most out of a limited amount of time. The variation in landscape will leave you feeling more fulfilled in a short period of time.
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6. Be Cheap
Buy plane tickets in advance, scout for cheap hotels, motels and cabins. If possible, find a friends couch to crash on instead. As they say, a penny saved is a penny earned, and if it means the difference between another trip or not, then it is well worth it.