Prayer: The one thing both Christians and non-believers can agree on

Prayer is one thing Christians and non-believers find useful

A new study shows that prayer is the number one thing both Christians and non-believers turn to in a crisis.

Apparently, prayer is the one thing both Christians and non-believers can agree on.

This is according to a ComRes study that discovered that one in five non-religious people turn to God in times of trouble.

It was carried out on 2,069 adult respondents in the United Kingdom.


Why both Christians and non-believers pray

Majority of the 2,069 respondents, (71%), revealed that their family’s well being is the number one reason why they pray.

The is followed by thanking God (42%), praying for healing (40%) and for friends (40%).

32% of non-religious pray for things to change. Disasters, poverty, and global issues are why 24 percent pray. This number of people also prayed as a “last resort” during a crisis.

ALSO READ: Praying does not have to be an event

This is followed by 20 percent who add prayer into their daily routine. Then, 15 percent who pray while traveling and 12 percent who pray while exercising.

The research also showed that tragedy or personal crisis is the main reason why the non-religious pray and that over 50 percent of all UK adults pray.


This research was done by Tearfund, a Christian aid charity.

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