"So, what would it rather be: An actual new you, or just a new year... The world hasn't changed. The silence doesn't mean peace..."
New year.
New year resolutions???
Forget it!
New perspective to life.
New energy to work.
Get fit or die trying.
Work less, live more.
Hustle harder, save more.
Zero stress, zero worries.
I agree a 'non-derogatory' word could be used and a lesser rabble-rousing title could have been used, but that douses it and why gloss over my actual intensions? So, I'm apologizing to those who might find my title rather offensive.
Make new friends, travel more...And Oh; Money! Money! Money! These and many more have been peoples resolutions earlier this year (yes! 'earlier'; in case you didn't notice, four days gone already and you are still trying to grasp a clear path to your 'resolutions'?), last year and the year before that.
It's usually the same course, some upgrades and downgrades in place, bits installed and pieces removed, but yet, the same. I'm tired of seeing the same thing year in, year out. Procrastination they say is a thief of time but you stole the title as you have become procrastination yourself.
It will soon be that time of the year; usually around March/April when those whose new year resolution was to lose weight find solace in the words of researchers and say: 'I can't kill myself. Do you know? Research reveals that size 14 women are happiest.' And many more console themselves saying; the year just started, there is still time. I laugh in procrastination.
The word resolution is many things, a lot of which people would rather be (or do), later: Firm, determine, resolve; these words bear weight.
Getting Real
The 'new year, new me' thingy isn't going to suddenly make all your debt disappear, but rather it could help you come up with a plan so that the debts don't accumulate, and then you can pay the ones you owe. 'New year, new me' isn't suddenly going to gift you confidence: That is something you work on overtime and build.
'New year, new me' isn't going to get the fats burning for you, but the gym will. 'New year, new me' isn't going to save money for you but an adaptable savings plan will. So, what would it rather be: An actual new you, or just a new year?
It's time to stop acting like God is a magician. So please, this year, don't act like he is. Work hard, pray hard. My dad mentioned during a convo that a church in the area had programs 6am-10pm everyday. My anger left him flabbergasted. I looked at him and said; 'that's why they will forever be poor.' I mean, how ignorant can you get? God blesses the work of your hands, and not the words of your mouth (prayer without work).
Be You!
You know, the English Language is quite ironical in the use of it's own words. For example, consider the word 'shit': It's a bad thing to be a shit, it's worse if you are shitty but a good thing if you are 'the shit'. This year; which isn't necessarily new anymore, 'forget' those things that make you feel like shit, stop reveling in being shitty and become 'the shit'.
The only person you should be competing with is yourself. Aim to be a better person than you were yesterday, aim for more success than you did last week, aim for something higher than you did last year. Do you; the world will adjust.
The hype about the Kama Sutra didn't necessarily arise as a result of it's practical explicitness on sexual intercourse, love and desire; but rather because it was written by a 'celibate monk'. Break the norm, not the law.
It's time to stop thinking; 'Oh! Time is drunk.' No she isn't. You can hear her beat rhythmically with your heart: Tick, tock; there she goes again. What would it be? In Tolu Akinyemi words, what will you do with this incessant ticking of "life passing by you."
Life Continues
The world hasn't changed. The silence doesn't mean peace: People still give and that doesn't make them the better person, people smile and quote 'deep' words for the gram but aren't necessarily happy or even believe the deepness of their own words, hungry people are still smiling, slave trade is still ongoing on many parts of the world (yeah! Even in this century), the price of petrol in Nigeria is still coordinately high, people have drifted from working to begging without shame, depression is not a myth...
You can keep blaming the government; both past and present for your misery and current situation but that's not going to change anything.
If things fell apart when Chinua Achebe wrote his book in 1958, or when Wole Soyinka 'died' in his book in 2014, but which played out in 1968/1969: Do you think word of mouth is going to change anything now? You might not be able to change the world, heck, you might not even be the brain (reason) why the person who does changes it, but you can change yourself. Work relentlessly and grow.
'I know that for some dreams when you hear latter, they never come because you grew out of them'; don't let this be you. Follow your dreams; live without regrets. You are here, so win this war. Be everything you can be and more. Cheers to an all round growth in 2018.
This year, no excuse. No one is promising a smooth ride, not even your pastors' "this year is your year" prophesies but you can decide if you will let the challenges way you down; and belittle your goals or if you'll use them as stepping stones. At the end if 2018, the fate of this 'movie' script will depend solely on you. What would 12 seasons, 52 episodes and 365 scenes be like?
In those final minutes of the movie and the excitement and fear of the sequel to come sets in, you will be the one who has decided if 2018 is actually your year despite the successes, sadness, twig of depression: A good dash of it all just in different qualities and quantities.
Is 2018 going to end as a great movie or one that is poorly scripted? You know, sometimes while making choices, you don't even realize they were choices until it's too late: This year, live intentionally!
Written by Christiana Osun.
Christiana is a lover of words. She's not just a reader, she's also a writer. She's sarcastic, fun loving, and a jack and master of most things creative. Instagram handle: _themillenniallady_ Facebook: OSUN Christiana Oluwadamilola Email: krwistee@gmail.com