While making plans for the New Year,it's important we also make serious changes on our mindsets.
Happy New Year to you guys.
While we're busy making our plans, new year resolutions and preparations for this year, it's important we also make serious changes on our mindsets. It's important we don't carry over our mental attitude for the previous year into this one.
Our Attitude
Most of us still have the mindset of waiting for people to do things for us. We wait on the government for jobs, we wait for someone to love or care about us, we wait for the good things of life and we're not taking responsibility to make those things happen.
How many things can you say you've gained by waiting? If you think about it, you'll see that waiting for things to happen doesn't just work. It's your responsibility to make it happen. Let's say you're looking for Mr Right or Mrs. Right, you don't just wait for him or her, you'll have to make conscious efforts to raise up your social game. You'll have to consciously organize parties with friends or be to parties and functions. The person won't just come and announce to you: "Hey, this is me! I'm the one for you." It's your responsibility to find him or her.
You might have been waiting for jobs, maybe one uncle or aunt has promised you a job somewhere and you've been waiting. You've waited a long time and yet nothing. 2017 is gone.. How long shall you continue to wait? If you need jobs or money, get out there and hustle your way into it. Don't follow the people who say, "There are no jobs." And then you fold your arms and waste time waiting for a miracle.
If you're damn serious about it, you must find something you can do. Because you don't need to be the most educated person to get a job, you just need to show that you have the ability to handle the job and you're willing to learn. Just make an effort and you'll find that jobs still exist.
Maybe you're lonely. You're waiting for love, you're waiting for friends. And they never come around. Would you spend your life waiting for them to come? If you're lonely you simply need to push yourself into where other people are and consciously try to be friends with other people. You only get what you give. If you want friends, love and companionship, try to give it to someone else first.
Material wait
You want to have a house or car of your own, save up for it. Work towards it and be very conscious of your spending. You cannot wait for it or expect someone to buy a house or car for you, you'll work towards it.
The bottom line of all these is that if you really want to make the best out of 2018, you must make up your mind to stop waiting for other people to do things for you which you can do for yourself. Take up more responsibilities and take more action to getting what you want for yourself this year. Only then will you see results.
Of course, you'll need God's grace, but even God expects you to not be lazy and work out your salvation. Don't just depend on God and pray, then do nothing about your needs, it won't work and you wonder why God isn't answering you. He has already answered you, he is just waiting for you to make your move and stop being indolent.
Stop waiting and start doing more this year. You'll definitely be very successful!
I wish you the best.
Written by Ogbuchi Nigel Ikechukwu.
Ogbuchi Nigel Ikechukwu is an aspiring author, a blogger and an engineer who is passionate about helping people to live better lives. He is the founder of the motivational blog, www.boldwinner.com Email: ikechukwu.nigel@yahoo.com Twitter: Ikenigel7_ IG: Ikenigel7_