Lord’s Chosen: 3 interesting things you need to know about church's apron

Lord’s Chosen: 3 things you need to know about church's apron

The General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Muoka has given some insight into the well known Lord’s Chosen attire.

If there is one thing the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries is known for it is the church's apron.

Over the years, it has become their identity and a source of interest to others. Now, the General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Muoka has come out to offer some insight on this piece of clothing.


He did this in a recent interview where he revealed these three interesting things about the apron;

It came from God

As with most church things, the apron was inspired by God, according to Pastor Muoka.

In his words, “I would say that the inspiration for that apron came from God. At a point in Lagos pasting of posters and hanging of banners were outlawed. And it became a serious challenge for us to evangelize and publicize God’s messages.

“Fortunately, in one of my visits to Imo State then, I saw many people wearing T-shirts of their party’s Senatorial and House of Representative candidates. And, on the shirts, I could see the politician’s photographs boldly printed. When I returned, I concluded that if those people could wear such shirts for political campaigns without minding, why not we design something and wear to spread the gospel further.

“So, in one of our workers' meetings, I told them that we have to wear the apron since there were no other means of advertising our ministry, except handbills or going around. Thereafter, we brought the idea of buying buses, and we had almost 100 pieces of them. So, with the buses and apron, we had a breakthrough in evangelism.”


The apron was not received well initially

Pastor Muoka tells us that the apron faced a lot of challenges when it first came out. It was criticised and ridiculed before it became what it is now, the identity of the church.

He says, “Obviously, we were mocked and cajoled. Some saw us as frustrated people who wear apron up and down, but we did not bother because we knew what was behind the idea.

“The truth remains that after all were said against the apron, today it has come to stay and has become the identity of the Lord’s Chosen all over the world. Many churches that mocked us are now making use of it in different ways and colors.”


ALSO READ: Lords Chosen's Pastor Muoka reveals 10 terrible sins

Wearing it has helped many members

One thing many people don't realize is that the apron is just a piece of clothing to this church. It has also become the physical representation of their faith.

Pastor Muoka explains it better saying, “I can tell you that we have the faith and it works. Our members wear it anywhere around the world, both in aircraft, and when robbers attack, God who gave us the inspiration will protect them.

“Besides, the apron does other things. For instance, someone who was remanded in prison wore it to court and was instantly discharged and acquitted. In fact, God magnified the apron because he was the one who gave us the inspiration. One would be surprised that he will have a problem if he or she attacks anyone wearing an apron because it is meant to advertise the programmes of God and lift up the name of Jesus Christ. And, it is really serving the purpose.”


More on The Lord’s Chosen

The apron was not the only thing the G.O discussed in the interview. He also talked about the church and the fact that it just celebrated her 15th anniversary.

In his words, “By the grace of God, despite oppositions, trials, and persecutions, we believe that God has advanced us to such a level that in the nation and all over the world, the church is well known. There was a country where someone went to an embassy to inquire for a good church that stands for the truth to worship with and the person was referred to The Lord’s Chosen. So, I think the church has made a good impact due to her stand on truth, holiness, and righteousness.

“Also, we are known for radical evangelism and have done well in that area all over the world. When the church started, many people said, forget about that church, and they had nothing to do with us. They said we were too radical. But today, just like the bible said it, the stone the builders rejected, has finally become the chief cornerstone.

“Most churches are copying what we are doing consciously or unconsciously. It is the Lord’s doing, And, I like it that way because it is in conformity with our vision; which is grassroots revival all over the world, revival of the apostolic Christian experiences among the body of Christ that many churches are riding on.”

New Year Message

Pastor Muoka ended the interview with a message for 2018. There is no prophecy, just some advice for Nigerians and our leaders.

To the leaders, the Lord’s Chosen G.O says, “…Also, leaders should start now to touch the lives of the people for them to be happy them and respond any time they are called upon. Now determines the future. If any leader wants a better future, he should do something now so that you will have a better future.”


To the citizens, he encourages everyone to do better with their spiritual lives in the new year.

In his words, “God is telling me that we all need to draw closer to him and ensure that we are pure and righteous. Nigerians need to draw closer to God because every year is drawing us closer to rapture.

“In fact, anyone who is telling you things will be better in the midst of evil-doing is not sincere. We can only be better when we are doing the right things. So, 2018 is a year when we should look back and correct our mistakes. Otherwise, we will remain where we are.”

The Lord’s Chosen was born after Pastor Mouka’s vision from God in 1994. He obeyed this vision and the church was born on 23 December 2002 with the aim of “preaching the undiluted word of God."

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