This new year you should be deliberate in every thing you do.
Obviously, it's a new year and truth be told we all must have learnt one thing or the other from the previous year. Below are some of the habits I think we can work on this new year.
According to Word Web dictionary, to procrastinate means to postpone doing what one should be doing or to delay needlessly. I'm sure once or twice in 2017 you had planned to execute a project, carry out an activity or take a life changing decision. The challenge was just the willpower to make it happen, instead you brushed it aside and scheduled it for a later date, before you knew it, the year was over.
This year, you should try to be deliberate in everything you do. There's an old adage that says "procrastination is the enemy of invention". Whatever is worth doing, do it immediately. A job seeker looking for placement in organizations this is the time to send out applications, rewrite your CV, prepare for aptitude tests and read up on the industry you're hoping to work with. Don't wait until the middle of the year to start doing this, start now.
This is making claim to or creating attention (often undeserved) of importance or distinction. In simple terms, this is just pretending to be what you're not. A person who makes others believe he or she is worth more than what one is actually worth is looking for trouble.
Driving a car which you can't obviously afford or living in a luxury apartment where you've to pay through your nose is ridiculous. Cut your coat according to your cloth, don't put yourself in trouble in an effort to outdo your neighbours or counterparts. Be realistic with your spending. Invest more.
This is a situation most people find difficult to define let alone avoid. Anything detrimental to an individual or entity's general wellness is unhealthy, either mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually. We should try to identify people in our lives that are not necessary or important and let them go. We should let go of excess baggage and travel through this year light.
It's just unfortunate that some of these excess baggage come in human form. It could be a loved one, family member or friend. Once you notice you're in a relationship that's only beneficial to the other party or you realize some existing relationships are tending towards being saprophytic, end it before it starts.
This is a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things. Also it's the feeling that things will end up badly. With the current happenings around the world it's expected that sometimes we're not optimistic about the future. Yet, it's not advisable to be pessimistic because it dampens the spirit and overall attitude towards being productive.
No matter how hard you try to get things right, once you believe things will end up badly that will definitely be your lot. Even if you have tried it once and it didn't work out well, try again. You never can tell when fortune will decide to smile on you. Avoid being skeptical about things this year, be positive and hope for the best.
I know it is funny but this has been a constant item on my list of new year's resolution for almost a decade. I never got around to achieving it until last year when I took a deliberate and consistent action against eating junks and snacking in between meals. For some of us that find it difficult to control our cravings, eating fruits instead of junk food is a healthy choice. Also other alternatives are smoothies, readily available, quite affordable and easy to prepare.
So these are a few of numerous habits that could hinder you from achieving your set goals this year. Please be conscientious about working on them and you'd be amazed at the results. Of course it might take a while before you see the results, but they'll definitely come.
Take care and have a prosperous year ahead.
So long!
Written by Adekunbi Bello
Bello Adekunbi "Kunbella" is an effervescent soul, bookish and loves watching classical movies. If she's not writing, taking long strolls on the beach or dancing, her head will definitely be buried in a book. Catch her on Instagram @kunbi_bello, Twitter @adekunbi_bello or Google #kunbellawrites.