I have grown in my humanities learning from the pains, the challenges and the gains of my humanity.
I am proud to recite my struggles and experiences as one who walks and try to grow in the shadow of a beautiful humanity.
My story
The story of my life celebrates efforts to discover what my purpose is and a definition of what role i am expected to play in the evolution of my destiny. In doing this, my life has been hinging on a commitment to He who blessed, beautified and kept the past, and dedication to learning the essential values and virtues that are yeasitly to living my visions and destiny, impacting my world in the form defined by the Divine hand and leaving a legacy for those beautiful creatures of the world of the future.
Needless to say, the paradox of this beautiful experience of growing to my purpose in the shadow of my humanity is that i see myself struggling to do many things as I think them best while believing that it is the Supreme One doing them in me. I funnily realized recently that i have been making a wantonly fruitless choice of running to meet time over and above taking things as they come and living in the NOW.
Of course, the many breakthroughs, instances of prosperity, indices of growth and markers of fulfilment in every facet of life are a function of grace. Despite my greater faith in myself and all i think i embody than Him, the One who holds and blesses my life has continued to keep the rains of love falling in and all around me.
Beyond telling the story of grace and what meaning, fruitfulness, beauty, value and greatness it is nurturing in my life, I must say what beauty my humanity is gaining. I laugh at how many a time i have had to struggle to know and be known by people whose values, virtues, visions and charms i love. I have had to believe in people that i had never really known, get to love people that i could not have trusted and befriended people that never shared my ideals of friendship.
I left each of this experience of my humanity a better and grown being. Everyday i grow to see that my life is not really a life with others, but a life for others.
I rise
I have learnt from betrayals as much as i have learnt from betraying, I have also grown from loving as much as i have grown from being loved. I have rejected people and things as many times as i have been rejected in person and the things i have. From my experience of love and its passion, faith and its fruits, courage and its burden, truth and its sacrificially, hope and it consequence, I have grown in my humanities have grown learning from the pains, the challenges and the gains of my humanity. My humanity is truly a beauty, a beauty that flows from imperfections to powers, from needs and wants to abundance and excess, from hostility to hospitality, from loneliness to alone, and from fear and tears to faith and joys.
I am better, stronger and greater from this walk in the shadow of my beautiful humanity. I am more confident and grown, more tolerant and benign, more loving and caring, more forgiving, humbler, more experienced, wiser and open than i ever was. I have grown to trust in Him who created and defined a purpose for me to guide me to living my destiny.
I now realize clearly what role i am expected to play the evolution of my destiny, I am to strive to love God and all those i meet in the human community. This means that i must try to be fully human and truly holy.
I am happy for the life i have and the beautiful opportunities all around me to grow unto my destiny. I am happy for the great family i have. I am happy for all my friends. I am happy that i am happy. I am happy that i can live productive and fruitfully every day.
I am happy that i can learn every day. I am happy that i am grateful to god. I know where i am going to is longer than where i am coming from, I know i am not fully grown but growing, but I am happy that i am human and my humanity is very beautiful.
Written by Suchi Kamini.
Suchi Kamini from Ogun state, a freelancing media specialist based in Ogun state and a proudly dkmngr family