Back from Hell: 3 people who died but came back to life

3 people who died, went to Hell, saw Satan but came back alive

See some of the world’s popular stories about people who died, went to hell but made it out alive.

Whether we believe in Hell or not, there are some people who claim to have been there.

They died, visited Satan’s kingdom, and came back to life to tell their incredible, unbelievable stories.

Meet three people who died but came back to life from Hell.

Linda Ngaujah

In 2013, this Sierra Leonean prophetess got everyone talking about her out of this world claims. Linda said she died, visited hell, where she saw celebrities, before coming back to life.

She came back with the knowledge of denominations that would be going to hell.


In her words, “all Catholics and Muslims are going to hell,” adding that these so-called Christian ministers are “more into money that spreading the message of God.”

Her story was criticised by many pastors including William Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry.

ALSO READ: Am I going to hell if I don't go to church?

Angelica Zambrano

This lady did not just visit hell, she also went to Heaven. She was in both places for a total of 23 hours, according to Top Tenz.


In Hell, she says she saw really famous people like Gaddafi, Whitney Houston, Pope John Paul II, and Michael Jackson.

In Heaven, she got to see Jesus Christ crying over the “lost souls” and His second coming of the Messiah.


Bill Wiese

This story is quite extraordinary. While others went to hell as their punishment, Bill claims God only took him so that he could testify that the place is very real.


Bill, who was a devoted Christian, went to Satan’s lair on November 23, 1998. “He was plunged into hell” by exactly 3 o’clock in the morning and returned after 23 minutes at exactly 3:23 am.


The experience was documented in his book, '23 Minutes in Hell.'

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