Tithing: How the Bible stopped a Nigerian Christian from paying his tithe

How Bible stopped a Nigerian Christian from paying his tithe

A true story of how the same scriptures used to convinced many believers to pay their tithes is the exact reason one man stopped taking his tithe to the church.

Tithing is the current bone of contention for Christians in Nigeria.

The anti-tithing movement, led by Daddy Freeze believes it is a modern-day scam while the other side, led by notable pastors like Adeboye and Bishop Oyedepo say otherwise.

Usually, when pastors discuss this subject, they often refer to the Bible, Malachi 3:10 to be exact. This particular verse is basically the go-to when preachers explain why it is compulsory to tithe.


How one man stopped paying his tithe

This is why it is so interesting that the same scriptures are the exact reason one man stopped taking his tithe to the church.

Pulse Religion reached out to a Deolu Ogunmade (not real name) who told us why he no longer pays his tithe.

Ogunmade is a regular Christian, who used to pay his monthly 10% because of the scary things he was told in church.

In his words, “For me, it all started when I began to question most of the things I was taught as a young Christian because I had applied them and still did not see the results.

“And asking questions was not an option, because of the fear of being tagged a rebel. You hear things like if you don’t pay your tithe, things will be tight. But I was paying and things were tight.

“I started looking for what I was doing that was wrong, and I found myself trying to impress God with my good deeds. Instead of just enjoying his love and living in his liberty.”


Things changed when he decided to go back to the Bible on his own and figure out things for himself. This was how Ogunmade found the truth.

He says, “During that dark period of my life, I had to start searching the scriptures for myself to understand God’s way of thinking and not to appear learned. I let go of all the religious bunch and searched.

“I read from Malachi (the main tithe verse), I found out that, if taken in context, was not talking to me. I was relieved because I was paying my tithe out of fear, which negates Paul’s instruction to in 2 Corinthians 9 not to give grudgingly.

“Deuteronomy 14:22–29 made it clear. In fact, verse 26, from my understanding, showed me that I was free to enjoy my tithe.”


ALSO READ: What Nigerians are saying about paying your 10%

What does he do now?

Now, Ogunamde no longer pays his tithe. He chooses to give instead.

This time, he gives freely from a good place not because he feels compelled to give.

“I give my free will offering and help the poor in my own way, because, giving is a financial principle that works for anyone, Christian and non-Christian alike,” he adds.


His advice to Christians

Apart from advising people to rely on the Bible, instead of their pastors, Ogunmade also offers another tip.

He says, “I’d like to add that paying tithe is not wrong, but God won’t kill you if you don’t. Giving should be out of love and thanksgiving. Not coercion.”

Just so you know, Ogunmade does not feel any form of guilt. He feels free as a result of his in-depth knowledge of the Bible.

Isn't it interesting that Ogunmade’s new mindset is also based on the Bible?

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