In the spirit of Christmas love and giving, Samsung is rewarding customers with exciting gifts on all Phone and Tablet purchases from 4th – 31st of December 2017.
It’s the holiday season again!
Have you been drafting lists and making wishes? Samsung is here to fulfill some of those wishes and cross out some lists.
In the spirit of Christmas love and giving, Samsung is rewarding customers with exciting gifts on all Phone and Tablet purchases from 4th – 31st of December 2017.
See details:
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 = FREE Power Bank or Samsung DeX,
Galaxy S8/S8+ = FREE Power Bank or Gear VR.
ANY other Smartphone or tablet, including Galaxy A 2017 Series, Galaxy J7 Pro/J7 Prime/Prime, Galaxy J7 Neo, or Grand Prime+ = other awesome Freebies.
You can now walk into any of the participating stores (check here: to grab yours.
Remember, offer is valid whilst stock lasts so hurry up guys!!
T’s and C’s apply.
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