Now the 12 days of December has come and gone, does it mean no more giveaways?
Alas! Have you found out what the Twelve days of Christmas buzz is all about? Its just all up everywhere on the internet, giveaways here and there and tagging the Twelve days of Christmas giveaway season. Now the 12 days of December has come and gone, does it mean no more giveaways?
On the 13th day of Christmas my true love sent to me ...
On the 14th day of Christmas my true love sent to me ......
According to Wikipedia, The Twelve Days of Christmas, is also known as Twelvetide, which is a festive Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus Christ. In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, "Christmas Day" is considered the "First Day of Christmas" and the Twelve Days are 25 December - 5 January.
Did I hear you say Oh wow!.
And then we have a song that compliments the Twelve days of Christmas. These twelve days in the song are the twelve days starting with Christmas Day, or in some traditions, the day after Christmas which is assumed to be the last day of the Christmas festivities and is observed as a time of merrymaking.
Shall we leave wiki for a few minute. We have had Christmas giveaways right from the first day December arrived. Lots of brands dong the 12days of Christmas giveaway. It's been lots and loads of amazing giveaways by the way that even the slay mamas and Queen of bosses have been part of it. Giveaways such as phones, human hair/wig, clothes, hamper packs, cakes, ice cream, footwears, trips to a resort, dinner for two, spa pamper and skin care session, handbag and what have you.
As we all know there's no season of the year that shines as bright as Christmas. But you would agree with me on that, right?. Christmas lights, beautiful decoration everywhere, food market buzzing, traffic getting heavy, special new clothes bought. It is just such a humbling and happy period for us all. If you haven't won anything yet, fingers crossed you would win something.
Forgive me if you think I'm all about Christmas day, fact is there's a strong connection.
Written by Odawayi Ukandu.
Odawayi Ukandu is a creative writer, lover of arts&culture, food, traveling and is addicted to cakes and ice cream. Follow me on Instagram; @odawayi, twitter; @amakaukandu